A Dodgy Portal, Bad Costumes and an Escape

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A.N. It's a long read I may have gotten a little carried away...


The wind picked up in the alley, sending paper and litter flying up in spirals. Deep at the end of the alley, just round the bend, out of sight behind a dumpster, a bright blinding dot materialises out of thin air, lighting up the dark space, throwing out sparks as the small ring grew larger. A dark figure in a black and brown suit leapt through the small portal, landing with a thud on the hard tarmac. Then the portal fizzled shut; the light receded and the darkness took its place once again.

"Kaalki dismount."

Another blinding light exploded through the alley dissipating the shadows. The brown highlights of the suit disappeared and the dark glasses that had obscured their eyes lost their splendour returning to a simple metal frame. By the end of it only Lady Noir remained.

She carefully removed the glasses from over her mask and held them in her hand for a moment as she looked around.

Her brow creased in frustration as she took in the grimy alley. Darn. She'd portalled back to the same place she'd left instead of straight to her apartment. Well that was just-

"Brilliant." She bit out sarcastically. It was cold outside and by the looks of it, she glared up at the darker than normally gloomy looking clouds. It was going to pelt it down with rain soon. And frankly she didn't fancy that kind of shower.

Lady Noir had just returned from Paris after defeating yet another new akuma. This one had been particularly hard and as a result the fight had dragged on and Lady Noir had taken a few more hits than normal. Judging from the ache in her side and the warmth that was trickling down the back of her neck she knew that she'd been slammed into one too many brick walls for comfort.

She grimaced in pain as she felt the cut throb. That was going to sting like a bitch when she disinfected it. Marinette reached up to inspect the wound but the sudden pain that shot through her shoulder screamed otherwise. She let out a string of colourful curses but it did little to lessen the sensation. Turns out it wasn't just her head that had taken a battering. Good to know.

Marinette was drawn out of her pain by a light weight that settled on her other shoulder. She turned her attention to the small dazed horse kwamii. She looked exhausted and quite rightly. She'd just portalled them from Gotham to Paris and back without a recharge. Her energy was severely depleted.

"Are you tired because I'm tired?" She asked, her eyes slightly glazed.

"Yes very."

There was an awkward silence as the pair gathered themselves.

"You're bleeding." She stated groggily, too tired to filter her thoughts and words.

"I know."

"Can we leave now?'

"Yes, but first, here." Marinette reached for the pocket on her utility belt and fished out a sugar cube.

"Have this to recharge. It'll make you feel better.'

"Thanks." She daintily retrieved the cube before zipping back into the glasses in Marinette's hand.

As she tidied the glasses into her belt, Marinette took a moment to think about her options. She could either de-transform again and take the long route to her apartment or... She could rely on Lady Noir to get her home at triple the speed and possibly not drenched when it inevitably rained.

I mean what was the point in having powers if you couldn't indulge yourself every once in a while?

But there was the risk of being spotted and recognised by someone. But... that seemed unlikely and since there were so many vigilantes and other costumed weirdos out there it would hardly make breaking news. Afterall, this was Gotham.

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