Detention, 6694.87 kilometres and an idea

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6 months earlier:

It was a particularly dreary Wednesday afternoon in Paris. The city had been attacked by three akumas since last Saturday, so it seemed unlikely that there would be another anytime soon. The civilians were enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted and, since it had had to be rescheduled twice in light of the recent attacks, Ms. Mendeleiev was using the opportunity to finally give her students a Biology test.

The room was quiet, save for the rushed scratching of pens and the occasional exasperated sigh, her class were struggling to work through the questions that they had been given, all racking their brains in the hope of suddenly being able to perfectly recall their overly highlighted notes in a frantic attempt to pass. There was the occasional whisper and conference of neighbours, but the teacher ignored this. So long as they finished the test within the time limit and without the appearance of one of Hawkmoth' minions, she didn't mind.

She had been in the middle of marking some work when the sound of giggling reached her. She frowned and looked up, perhaps she had made a mistake in letting them talk. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance; she would not be made a fool in her own classroom. Quickly she began to scan the room in order to find the source of her students' amusement.

The members of the fourth row were doing a poor job of suppressing their laughter and the second had turned aroundin their seats to get a better look and what was so funny, before they too joined in. Finally, her eyes fell on the source. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The transfer student from Miss Bustier's class.

Ms. Mendeleiev's mood soured even further at the thought of the woman. Oh how Ms. Mendeleiev despised Miss Bustier and her 'teaching methods'. She was a bigger problem than even some of her students - which said a lot in itself; her (totally logical) solution to bullying, was to tell the victims to be the bigger person and let the bullies go Scott free, which only encouraged them to continue. Solving nothing and only lead to further issues, not that the naïve woman realised it. 

By doing this, she was encouraging students to suppress their emotions, taking their negative thoughts and feelings and burying them deep down without addressing them - take a wild guess as to how that would end. And considering there's a psychopath in the city that takes advantage of people negative emotions, it's probably safe to say that her classroom is practically a petri dish for hawkmoth to create his perfect akuma. And frankly it showed, with her class having the highest number of akuma victims than anywhere else in Paris. The numbers don't lie.

Ms. Mendeleiev had been quite happy to take Marinette into her class (despite the circumstances surrounding it). This way she could separate the girl from Bustier's toxic class. Not that it seemed the girl needed it, since she was one of the two students in the class who had yet to be akumatized.

Back to the point. The girl had fallen asleep at her desk with her pen still in her hand. Her messy black hair covered her face guarding whatever was left of her reputation from her classmates. Knowing she had to regain control quickly, Ms. Mendeleiev abruptly stood up, causing her chair to scrap harshly against the floor. The more observant students in the class who had noticed this sudden movement quickly turned silent and looked down as they braced themselves for her lecture.

 "Silence." she ordered. At the coolness of her tone the rest of the students' laughter immediately dried up and they scrambled back to face the front of the class again as they realised their mistake.

No one spoke. The student's watched their teacher apprehensively, waiting for her reaction. Ms. Mendeleiev's glare swept the room before landing on Marinette again.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng!" she barked. On hearing her name, the girl shot up in her seat, jolting the pen out of her hand. Disorientated she whipped her head from side to side to see who had called her. This triggered a few laughs, but they were quickly silenced by a look from their teacher.

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