Briefings, Assumptions and a Promise

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When he got to the edge she was long gone.

"How the hell did she just disappear!" He swore. 

That damned cosplayer had given him the slip. He'd had her cornered! How on earth did he lose her!

The all too familiar whisk of grappling hooks followed by the thud of boots broke his train of thought.

"God damn it demon. You just had to scare her off didn't you." Jason sighed.

"Well maybe if you'd gotten here faster -"

"I wanted to meet her she sounded fun." Steph whined.

"She got you so good!" Tim snickered, "Now we just have to find her again."

"You had your ass handed to you." Said Barbra, her voice laced with amusement.

"I underestimated her. She had her fair share of skill." He admitted.

Dick raised an eyebrow, "Wow that's high praise coming form you demon spawn."

"Don't make me regret saying it Grayson."

"So you admit she's better than you?" Tim pressed, a smug smile on his face.

Damian turned and shot Tim a vicious glare. "That's not what I said."

"She's on my level. So you, NEVER would have managed to flag her down let alone speak to her."

Tim opened his mouth to retort but Bruce cut him off.

"Did you find out what she was doing?"

Damian's attention switched to his father, his animosity towards Drake temporarily put aside.

"No I have no idea what her intentions were. All she said was that she was no threat."

"Trust her already Damian?"

"I made no implication of the sort." He hissed, "I'm not stupid enough to believe everything I hear unlike some."

"Oof! So defensive!"

"Shush. Be kind Steph. His pride just took a beating." Oracle cooed.

"Yeah, she really tore into you demon." Jason remarked.

"She right about the colour scheme though." Said Duke.

Well that's just brilliant they heard everything and had no intention of letting It go. He felt his rage resurface. One more comment and he would -

"Gotta say. I'm little disappointed that you fell for the old 'throw the sword, duck and run' combo. I taught you better." Dick said shaking his head in disappointment

"Grayson. I will strangle you."

Dick, ever oblivious continued, "All my training, all for- ack!"

"Jesus Damian!"

"Someone grab him!"

Bruce pulled Tim aside as the others moved to pry Damian off of his mentor.

"I want you to make a report and to investigate this matter. We need to find out who we're dealing with here."

"Got it boss," Tim nodded, "But in exchange I want my coffee privileges reinstated." He added coyly.

Bruce narrowed his eyes.

"Instead how about I inform Alfred to remove your stash of emergency coffee from the helmet of the suit of armour in the east corridor."

Tim's attitude underwent a drastic change.

Without hesitation, "You'll have it in 3 hours sir."

"It should be simple anyway. It seems like another copycat case."

Damian wasn't so sure about this though it had also been his first assumption.

A myriad of thought ran through Damian's head as he tried to puzzle out his theories.

She'd protested she wasn't a petty thief but she never claimed to be a vigilante or hero either. So either she was a new wannabe villain or something else entirely.

However you don't have to be a villain to be able to lie or leave out certain facts. All she said was that she wasn't a petty thief.

That didn't rule out her being a copy cat, because Cat Woman was most certainly not a petty thief. If she was just another wannabe then she'd be desperate to etch her name into the skyscrapers for the world to see and bedazzle them with her work.

Damian didn't doubt the girl's capabilities, considering her skill level if she put her mind to it she could easily become quite the successful thief. Obviously not as good as Selina but still, good.

But then what was she doing here? It was most certainly not blueblood territory so it was unlikely that she was casing the joint. There was nothing in that area. No notable shops, companies, houses or people. Not to mention the area was relatively clean in terms of criminal activity. There was nothing there to suit the work of a copy-cat.

He was missing something. So Damian was back to the start.

During their conversation she'd given little away. She hadn't proclaimed herself a new vigilante and hadn't tried to correct him when he accused her of being a thief (though it had seemed to visibly upset her). Equally there had been no new reported vigilantes or activity to support this idea, such as pre-detained muggers or criminals for the police.

His last clear option was that she was a new villain. There was the chance that he had only just caught her before her 'debut'. But it just didn't feel right to Damian. It didn't fit. And as much as he despised her, she just hadn't seemed like a villain. But he wasn't ruling the idea out just yet.

However if none of the above were right then that begged the question; what and who was she, and why was she here?

But no matter the answer when Damian saw her again, he'd pay her back for his humiliation tenfold. Until he knew otherwise, she was a threat. A mangy alley cat with fewer morals than a politician.


Sorry for the lack of updates. There's been a lot happening and I am currently entering my exam period so updates will be even more irregular. Thank you to everyone who has read voted and commented on my story it means a lot me!!! Once again I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment ur thoughts and feelings.

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