Banishment, New Problems and a Warm Shower

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A bright white and blue flicker was the only warning Marinette got before she landed into the wooden floor boards of her apartment. The resounding thwack, echoed through her skull after impact.

Sprawled starfish and staring up at the ceiling, she groaned "Kaalki, dismount, Plagg claws in."

Another flash lit the room and the two Kwamis re-appeared hovering over her face.

Plagg wore a Cheshire grin. "Stealing Chat's punchlines are you now Mari?"

"Don't make me banish you to the ring." She muttered, eyes closed.

This entire evening had been hellish and Plagg just had to, nay, needed, to rub it in.

"Come on don't be like that it was brilliant! Took some lessons from chat, am I right? You certainly had him riled! And that walk! Now that was just the Camembert on the brie!"

"Don't test me Plagg."

"Sheesh no need to be like that! Besides you need me! We both know you won't actually-"

Marinette pulled off the ring.

"Heeeeyy!" he squeaked out before the vortex sucked him in.

She remained unmoving, staring up at the plaster of her ceiling, waiting for the energy to begin scraping herself up off the floor.

At last blissful silence...

"Was that wise mistress? You know how he gets. He'll be out for blood when he returns." Kaalki spoke out.

Marinette waved her hand dismissively, "That addict loves cheese more than bloodshed. I'll be fine. Besides Hawkmoth won't be striking anytime soon after his lose. In the meantime we both need a break."

After some effort she pulled herself into a sitting position, "Thanks for your help today, you really got me out of a tight spot. There's a box of sugar cubes in the kitchen cabinet; help yourself to as many as you want, just don't tell the others." She said throwing a lopsided grin at Kaalki.

"Not a problem." she giggled before whizzing off.

Finally alone Marinette slowly stumbled over to bedroom and her mirror. Gingerly she began removing her t-shirt, wincing slightly each time the fabric caught a cut.

'Time to see the damage...' She thought grimly.

Looking back over shoulder at the mirror confirmed her suspicions, written in purple red black and blue all the way down her shoulder and back.

She let out a humourless chuckle. That's what happens when you get chucked side on into a brick wall by an 8ft Akuma and then fifteen minutes later into a crate by a Robin. The throbbing aches and stabbing pain she was experiencing really did it that extra justice.

Moving over to her adjoined bathroom she picked up some Ibuprofen from her cabinet and downed a pill. Hopefully it would kick in sooner rather than later, she thought. After switching on the shower, she left the bathroom and tided her clothes as she waited for the water to heat up before returning. Eventually ready, she slipped into the warm water.

Marinette stood still just taking a moment to bask in the water with her eyes closed. It stung a bit on her cuts but the heat was just so nice after all that rain and running, it was like massage for her worn muscles.

An appreciative sigh echoed through the room over the torrent and steam.

Today really had not been her day. And to think it had been going so well to start with. I mean if she didn't have enough to deal with as well with a butterfly psychopath, now she had the Bats trying to pin her down. She'd have to be much more careful where she transform. And that's not even mentioning the fresh new problem that introduced itself to her this morning.

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