25. Future

619 42 10

Third POV

Cai Xukun.

He actually comes from a wealthy family –initially, he is supposed to continue his family's big business, but he chooses music instead. However, if you think that there is a confrontation among his parents and his dream –you are definitely wrong.

His parents and whole family give him full support for his career in music (he still inherits the company as the commissioner board along with a great share of stocks, though). Along with his family support, Kun had planned his dream since he was very young. The one he knew for sure to have a good career in music, there are a lot of things that need to be prepared.

One of them is taking a music major in university.

To get enrolled in music major, besides an outstanding report card and being the top-score in the examination, he needs good numbers and qualities of portfolios. So, he had been participating in many competitions –either it was singing or music recital, and by that he experienced so many losses and wins, compiling achievements here and there.

He took all of those experiences as precious learnings of life, particularly in handling the nervousness, and turning the table, performing impressively.

However, the man who is sitting in front of him makes him experience a whole nother level of nervousness.

It's Linmeng.

Yuxin's shifu.

His girlfriend's life mentor.

"Isn't this room facilitated with a room heater?" Linmeng asked as he looked up to the well-functioning room heater, "Why would you still wear that thick? Are you sick, perhaps?" he looked up and down at Yuxin worriedly. It is true that the autumn has ended while ago as the winter is on its way, but the beige, pawed knit sweater indeed makes her looks much tinier and her fair skin much paler.

And yes, Yuxin is wearing it on purpose –hiding the red marks on her wrist from last night. Well, it is not that obvious. Actually, the marks are barely there, anyway, Kun would kick himself if he ever made her hurt. But speaking of Linmeng, Yuxin's shifu who spent a good decade with Yuxin, a slight difference of her would be crystal clear in his eyes. Not to mention, his protective nature when it comes to her.

Yuxin licks her sudden dry lips, "I'm fine,"

She can't lie to her shifu nor she wants to, and she'll just dig a hole to hide forever if she really has to tell what happened to her wrist to her shifu. When Linmeng is about to interrogate more, Yuxin's phone suddenly rings, and she is secretly thankful for it.

(Well actually shifu doesn't need an explanation that far, it's Yuxin who is too honest for everything).

It's her assistant. Her assistant tells that they might have checked and ensured the details before leaving the shooting area, but later the director was torn because all her photos turned out so good, so automatically, he needs Yuxin for her opinion and preference. Because the ads need to be launched in the near time, so she needs to excuse herself a bit to continue the on-call discussion outside the room –leaving Kun and Linmeng alone.

Kun gulps.

Honestly, Kun has no clue what kind of person he is –all he knows about Linmeng is everything Yuxin told him so. She told him that her shifu is someone reliable, kind hearted, funny, and everything a best shifu could be.

"Cai Xukun, right?"

Kun inhales a short breath, "Yes, Sir," He could not predict Linmeng's tone. It feels just... neutral.

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