Their Epilogue

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> Kong Xue'er : Liu Yuxin

> Kong Xue'er : Where are you?

On my way to apartment, Xue Jie <

What's up? <

> Kong Xue'er : Oh

> Kong Xue'er : I am in front of your door

Yuxin frowns at the statement. Xue'er comes to her place more than often, so Yuxin has Xue'er's fingerprint registered and told her the password already.

What stopped you from coming in? <

> Kong Xue'er : I can't, idk. It doesn't recognize my fingerprint. The password doesn't work, and neither the key-card

> Kong Xue'er : But the key-card works just fine in the elevator

There might be a system error on my lock, Yuxin presumed.

It is still about a fifteen minutes drive to her apartment, and her brain is working to find alternatives so Xue'er doesn't need to wait any longer.

Yuxin reaches her big tote bag, and finds her manual key in its small pocket. She exhales a sigh, since the key is with her, then there's no other option than to ask Xue'er to wait for a bit.

Xue'er, I am sorry, it seems I'll make you wait for a bit <

I'll be there in less than 15 minutes <

Just when Yuxin was about to type a speech-length apology text, Xue'er already replied to her text as if she could see through Yuxin's entire mind.

Well, Xue'er can't. But she knows, Yuxin would always do something like that.

> Kong Xue'er : No worries, I can have a cake on the lobby's cafe

> Kong Xue'er : Don't overthink it

> Kong Xue'er : 💙

The first thing Yuxin does when she arrives is looking for the older girl who is also her best friend. Spotting the wavy, long dark haired girl in the lobby, Yuxin rushes right to her.

"I am sorry for—" before Yuxin finishes her sentences, Xue'er cut it, "Geez, stop apologizing for things that out of your control,"

"Maybe it's a sign that from now I need to inform you first before visiting," Xue'er added.

Still catching her breath, Yuxin shakes her head, "You are welcomed anytime,"

And of course, Xue'er already guessed Yuxin would say so, "I know."

When the two arrive at Yuxin's unit floor —the 32nd, Yuxin raises her brows seeing there are people from moving services next to her door.

It means she will have a new neighbor.

However, the invisible bold line of privacy in the apartment makes her never really say a hello to her neighbors, so she just brushes it off.

She tries several times to scan her fingerprint and input the password, yet the lock only blinks in red. "...It seems indeed there is an error." Then Yuxin slides the key-card, yet still to no avail.

After that, she uses the manual key on the lock, and it's opened. "Well, guess I'll ask the maintenance to help me fix it later," she said, taking a note in her mind as the two stepping into the large apartment.


Kun observes the surrounding —his new apartment with delighted gaze.

"How is it?" his assistant asked, joining Kun in observing the minimalist furniture in the room. "Perfect," Kun said with a toothy smile.

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