Revali x Reader (Chapter Eleven)

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Revali kept his distance watching as you held close to the ground with caution.

Your eyes were locked with that of the demons. You were sweating like you feared nothing more in the world. 

Zoku approached from behind and struck you out.

Your body tipped forward and the knight caught you. He slung you over his shoulder with a smile.

Revali felt provoked by this but soon froze when those glowing red eyes flickered his way.

There was zero hesitation. He knew exactly where he stood this whole time. It left the most unsettling feeling..

One minute the three of you were there the next you vanished after Zoku lifted his gloved hand dropping a smoke bomb.

"What! How?!" Revali's eyes darted around in search of you. He flew up in the sky to get a better view but it proved difficult to spot anything.

This was magic...

Dark magic.


Your body slowly began to shift as you felt aches and pains from the position you were stuck in.

You were lying stiffly on the floor of some old abandoned building.

You weren't chained down by the looks of it but you were locked within the room.

Glancing down your cheeks heated noticing someone had changed your clothes.

Your fists clenched up wanting to punch the culprit.

Speak of the devil.. You sensed that he had just appeared.

"Why, don't you look ravishing tonight"

You turned sharply as your eyes met Zoku's.

He had a sly smirk as he leaned closer. 

To think so many had found this man attractive back when you two were almost a team. Looks hardly matter if the insides are just rotten.

Without a moments hesitation you swung out your leg striking him.

He faltered backward holding onto his jaw before his eyes met yours with surprise.

"Still feisty as ever. Y/n"

"What do you want Zoku"

"I told you. I want you at my side"

You scoffed as a response crossing your arms.

"I'm not interested" you looked to the side.

"You will be." He folded his hands behind his back. "I have all the time in the world, you'll come around" he smirked confidently.

"Unfortunately though, there are some things I need you to do for me first."

As if appearing from thin air you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see nothing was there.

The sound of laighter chilled your soul as fear crept up on you.

The room grew with shadows.

From the corner of the dark room the menace knight appeared.

He marched toward you quickly closing the gap.

You screamed and lerched back when his hand roughly grasped onto your jaw.

"Ever since you met that champion you've acted nothing but fragile.." Zoku's voice came from around you.

The knight squeezed causing you to scream and the moment you did he emptied some kind of potion in your mouth.

Breath Of The Wild Revali x Reader - DishonourableWhere stories live. Discover now