chapter 4 episode 4

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In Johto, the location in Mahogany Town. Lance of the Elite Four and his Dragonite arrive at the local souvenir shop. Once Inside, Lance knocks on a wall, two times and then has Dragonite use Fire Punch to crack the wall open. The wall breaks, revealing a secret passageway to an underground room.
As it play, once lance apper on screen, Weiss has hearts in her eyes. But winter and willow saw it and smile. But surprise their is hidden door, and ozpin, and rest of hunters suspects work of organization. 
Lance and Dragonite as they both slides down, and arrive hallway that is part of Team Rocket's secret headquarters. While running down the hallway,
Lance has a flashback of why he came to investigate Team Rocket HQ. Earlier, at the Lake of Rage, he and Dragonite encountered a rampaging Red Gyarados, which fiercely attacked them.
Lance: that red Gytarados wasn't acting normally. Was been forced to evolve by a mysterious radio wave.
When they hear team rocket, and ruby just said.
Ruby: but they are disbanded?
I tell pay attetion and answer will. Be revealed. But person hear it was to be force to evolved. yang burn in rage, Weiss aura, ruby silver eye is about to crack(I got to worried about that) Blake get eyes on gyrados, and got spray bottle again.
Me: Blake don't you dire
Her parents worried for her, but rest is out rage for living beinh force. But watts and ironwood got interests in radio waves.
As the two keep running down the hallway, both accidentally trigger security signal, the eyes of a Persian statue light up. The statue turns out to be a secret security camera which is monitored by a Team Rocket Grunt. The Grunt warns his fellow Grunts that their headquarters have been intruded.
Grunts: ain't that Lance.
Grunts: the elite four. The screen then switches to other security footage which shows another intruder, which turns out to be Ethan the Pokemon ttainer. The Grunts decide to go stop them in their tracks and as they sound the alarm.
Everyone see remain of team rocket, plus with advence work secrity. Jacques, iron wood, and few think to upgrade security. ozpin look, notice few people in there.
Ozpin: it's seems their few or less member left.
As Lance and Dragonite arrive at a bridge, their path is blocked by four Team Rocket Grunts.
Lance: just ad i thoughts, team rocket i heard that you been disbanded. In response, the Grunts smile and send out. Grimer, Magnemite, Raticate, Golbat, and Houndoom.
Lance: Dragonnite break through.    Dragonite to break through and it lets out a huge roar. The Grunts have their Pokémon attack same time on dragon type. But Dragonite not effective by attacks with no trouble at all. Dragonite easily defeats all the opposing Pokémon with a single Flamethrower and uses its tail to knock them off bridge. The Grunts realize Lance and Dragonite are too powerful, and the Elite Four member and his Pokémon are now able to continue on their path.
As they see team rocket came, they surprise to see them their. But lance annouce that team rocket is disband.
Ozpin: it's seems few remain of them left after their good announce disband.
Next, Dragonite knocks down an iron door and the Pokémon and Trainer arrive in a control room. Lance runs over to a window and sees how multiple Electrode are attached to a large machine. The Ball Pokémon are forced to give off electricity to power the radio transmitter that emits the mysterious radio waves.
Lance: so they are using those elecetrode.
As ironwood is impress with advence work. But once see Pokemon being use for charge machines. Ruby begin and her team begin fell rage. So does other. Salem and group have soft spot for animals.
He hears a voice behind him. Petrel, a Team Rocket Executive, appears.and concludes that Lance and Ethan have been working together,
Petrel: so tje kid was distraction. Ethan being a diversion for Lance. Petrel sends out his Weezing and has it use Poison Gas.
Lance: Dragonite
Dragonite walks through the poisonous gas clouds. Dragonite uses Thunderbolt, hitting both the Weezing and Petrel, fainting the former.
Lance: your operation is finished and now leave.
As Dragonite intimidates Petrel, Lance communicates with Ethan. Through his Pokégear, tells him that they're going to take down the source of the radio waves. In response, Ethan simply smiles.
As they see commander, they look at man. We're look really, that's is commander.
Me: hey don't you look at me
As they see weird Pokemon made of gas. As draongnite bet it with thunderbolt. Nora yell yay,  but they hear they will take down. Radio wave, they are cheering of joy.
Lance walks over to the Electrode and promises to free them. He has his Dragonite destroy the control panel and break open the window. After doing so, the generator is shut down and the Electrode are freed from the machines they were attached to.
Lance: you need to escape quickly
They happily bounce away from the generator. They gather in front of Petrel and shock him with Thunderbolt as revenge for what he did to them.
They watch Dragon type destroy control. Everyone happy, and laugh at person forlorn then up to machines.
Ozpin got quiet, As well grow, goodwitch, and ironwood. They have fall modem lock up in chamber.
Later, at dusk, Lance stands at the shore of the Lake of Rage. Seeing that the Red Gyarados has calmed down, he walks away as the Atrocious Pokémon dives back into the depths of the lake.
As it end, I got jump by Weiss, Nora, and Blake.
Weiss: I thought they're disband
Me: they are,but remantof team rocket.
Ad she absorb information, I  smiled.
Me: I saw you blush on that red head.
Weiss blush of think of it.
Me: so you have thing for red head man.
I smile with grim, as jaune eyes open, fox hit scare for redness hair. As everyone else laugh.
Nora: what that device.
Me: they can force Pokemon to evolve.
Me: now without any proplem, let's gotinrst screen.


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