Chapter 6

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Charlie POV

It's 12:15pm and mostly everyone has rehearsed their performance for Saturday. Everyone was doing amazing, I'm sure we would be too if one of are band mates had bothered to show up. Take a guess. Yeh Reece. Its unfair, he's not just letting himself down, he's letting us down. It's the fact he left way earlier than all of us and he's still not here. We were supposed to be one of the first one to rehearse, what is he playing at.

We have all tried ringing him, even the other acts and got no reply, as soon as he gets here I think we are all going to go mad. He's bringing us all down in the house with his mood and is just not giving it his all.

I turn around and face the boys, "Any word?" Everyone shakes their heads, he better get here by the end of this break.

The stage door opens and Simon walks in with Louis Tomlinson. Oh dear. If he finds out Reece isn't here Reece is in deep shit I wouldn't want to be him right now. Well I don't want to be us either its embarrassing are band members can't all be here on time when every other act can be.

"Hi everyone, thought we would come and stop by rehearsals, hows it going?"

"Everyone is here right?" Louis asks.

I don't think anyone wanted to be the person to tell Simon Cowell and Louis Tomlinson that someone had failed to turn up.

"Where is Reece Bibby?" Simon questions.

"The thing is Simon we don't know he left earlier this morning and he hasn't turned up." Chris replies.

"Ok well is he ok, could he be in trouble?" Simon asks us.

"Oh my god we didn't even think!" Fleur panics with the other girls.

Me and the boys look at each other shocked.

"I'll go check the studio first then we will call the police." I say.

Everyone agrees I've searched the whole building from the top to bottom and I almost give up until I come back in the main entrance and see a tall figure standing in the hall leading up to the main stage. I think its him. He has his forehead leaning against the wall.

"Reece?" I start making my way towards him but he starts walking fastly towards the main stage. He isn't even walking in a straight line what is going on.

He reaches where everyone is sitting near the main stage and I see him collapse to the ground.

"REECE!" I run after him even though I know its too late to cushion his fall.

When I got there everyone was already standing there watching him. I kneel down beside him he has a small cut to his head but he didn't even go close to hitting that part of his head when he collapsed.

"Where was he Charlie?" Betsy from OTY asks me.

"I have no idea I just seen him standing in the hall there with his head against the wall then I called him and he started walking this way but he couldn't even walk in a straight line and then thats when you guys seen him." I reply frantically.

He's been out now for nearly a minute. "Someone do something!" Everyone was just standing there staring at him. Lauren and Fleur went to get a paramedic.

It's now been nearly a minute and a half he has been out cold and we are all starting to worry. But his eyes start to flicker open.

As soon as his eyes open we are shocked Reece starts saying we need to help him he holds his sides like he is in pain and cries silently.

"Reece its ok we are all here." Barclay kneals down beside him too with me.

"You don't understand." Reece exclaims.

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