Chapter 8

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Reeces POV

I slowly open my eyes. What. I'm still alive? Where am I? I look to the left and I see Barclay and Chris, they look up from their laps and see me. 

"Oh my god Reece, Charlie go get the doctor!" Barclay orders. I am in hospital. I survived. 

"Whats going on?" I question as the doctor enters the room. 

"Reece hello, its good to see you've came around. How you feeling?" He asks me.

"Um I'm feeling ok, I can't really feel anything but I'm in pain right now."I sqeak out. 

"Ok well I will get you something to ease the pain and come back and see you in another half hour. You can have some visitors now too." He tells me. I nod "thanks."

"Reece are you ok? We were so worried." Charlie asks me.

"I'm fine." I really can't be bothered talking to everyone right now. Then all the other boys come in and Lauren.

"Reece I'm so glad you are ok, I haven't slept in days." Lauren announces when she runs into the room and giving me a hug, I yelp in pain. Wait, days? How long was I out?

"Wait how long was I out?" I enquire.

"3 days" Everyone replies.

"Oh." They are probably so frustrated with me right now I'm runing everything for them if I hadn't auditoned for X Factor they would probably be a lot happier without me. Why couldn't they have just killed me? I don't want to be here.

"Hello Reece?!" Casey is waving his hand in my face.

"What?!" I snap.

"Tell us what happened?" He questions.

"No. Its not important." 

"Reece it is important. You came back with broken ribs then you run off and we find you unconcious, bruised and bleeding. It's time to tell us whats going on." Barclay pushes. Do I tell them or do I not? I could just lie, I don't want to face the consequences of lying.

"I just got mugged. Its just coincidence my ribs were broken on the same day, stop being so dramatic. I'm fine. I don't even think that was believeable but I've got nothing better, they can't find out what happened.

"Reece could I talk to you a minute? On your own." She asks peering at the boys. I weakly smile to show her we can talk.

"What?" I sigh.

"Reece I'm your friend, you can tell me what is going on and I promise I won't breathe a word of it." I believed her, I really don't think she would tell anyone, no matter how bad. I do really want to tell someone, it would be a weight off my shoulders. Ok it won't harm if I tell her just a little bit. "Please Reece." 

I look up at her and she just looks like she wants to help. "There really isn't much to tell.." I reply.

"Reece there obviously is." She gives me a knowing look. 

"Ok well basically back home, I got in with the wrong crowd, we'd be getting drunk and smoking every night of the week, skipping school and I was having so much fun. It was such a change to what my normal life used to be I used to be the good boy but I was bored, I wanted some adrenaline, I wanted something to look forward too. You've no idea what I put my family through, I was in hospital a few times for drinking so much my mum couldn't cope with me anymore. So I moved out and moved in with two girls and two boys Kiara, Amber, Riley and Calum. It was good for the first few months, parties every night, it was a dream. Then they changed. They started wanting me to drug deal or rob for them and I didn't want to do it. Cut a long story short they started to hate me, I chickened out of a lot of the things they wanted to do, they made me a bad person and they wouldn't even do half of the things I did, there was some crazy, horrible things I did and I hated myself for it. When they start to hate you, its the worst, its bad being their friend but being their enemy thats just hell." I take a breath.

"Reece I'm happy your sharing this with me, none of us even know anything about you, your so secretive." Lauren says.

"I've never trusted anyone again after what they did to me. Anyways my life was horrible I was just finding peoples sofas to sleep on and if I didn't have one I slept outside the coffee shop in town any money I got I spent it on drink. I had nothing to live for so alcohol was my only way through, it let me forget. But around May last year I was found passed out on the street because I had drank so much. The doctors told me I nearly died, that's when I decided I had to change. My mum had heard about how bad I was and came to visit me and that was the best thing that ever happened to me. She let me move back in and my life was finally getting better. 

I started to sing more, I used to love it when I was younger I went to music school and everything but I gave up when I met them, that's what I called Kiara, Amber, Riley and Calum. Everyone used to call us KARRC, that is are initials. They actually were good friends when they weren't up to mischief. I was quite close with them all but Kiara was the leader always making us do something even if we were happy just chilling. But back to the singing I decided to audition for X Factor it just seemed right. Something to finally focus on. From then on everything was smooth sailing until now. The other day I got a text, it was them, they had found me I had changed my number and I was in London for X Factor but they found me. I couldn't handle them knowing where I was so I just shut down.The other day they got someone to threaten me in an alley, he broke my ribs. Then later on I left the studio and they got me they beat me for probably half an hour, till I was unconcious. I don't even know what they want from me." I breakdown, I start crying and Lauren holds me in her arms.

"Lauren why am I here?"

"Reece because we love you, everyone loves you. Those four people are lowlifes who are clearly just jealous you are moving on."

"No I mean why am I alive? I want to die why can't I be dead?" I shout, while hot tears stream down my face.

How has my life gone so wrong?


Yayyyy I finally wrote another chapter! I think this a little boring but idk I'd really like some feedback like if I'm dragging it on to much because I don't want to bore people so I could make it a lot quicker idk lmao.

So finally we here about Reeces past! Will Lauren tell or will she keep Reeces trust?


Thanks for reading!!x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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