Chapter Thirty Five

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As the conference was nearing its end, Tira let out a soft gasp of pain as her knuckles began to throb. It felt like she'd just punched a brick wall several dozen times. She cradled her aching hand to her chest before getting to her feet.

"Tira?" Burnin whispered, concerned.

"Bathroom." Tira said quietly before slipping away.

Burnin looked to the stage warily and noticed Endeavor looking in their direction, concerned. She sighed and raced after Tira. When she stepped out of the auditorium she stared in awe at the empty chamber, Tira was nowhere to be seen. She cursed under her breath, the girl was quick when she wanted to be. Burnin raced for the bathrooms, but Tira wasn't there. She successfully frightened an older woman in one of the stalls when she'd nearly kicked the door down in her search before swearing and exiting the bathroom.

Rather than go to the bathroom, as she'd said, Tira headed outside into the cool night air, her body felt hot, like she was on fire. She shed her shawl and began peeling off her gloves. There were new marks across her knuckles, they were raw and red and looked as if they would bleed at any moment. It was Toya...she was feeling Toya's pain. A suffocating rage surrounded her, bringing her to her knees as it threatened to take shape around her and envelop her in it's fury. He must have seen the photo of her and Hawks.

"Nii-chan." Tira cried quietly as she crumpled to the ground. She wrapped her arms around herself feeling like she'd felt when their father would explode with rage during their training sessions. She cowered in terror from her twin's anger that was threatening to take shape around her. "s-stop." She sniffled.

Her body burned. Steam began to rise off of her skin. She whimpered quietly in pain as she felt burns beginning to bubble on her arms. Toya had lost control and was going berserk somewhere, his quirk was hurting him.

Once the conference ended, Hawks noticed Endeavor and his sidekick speaking in hushed tones looking worried. His daughter appeared to be missing. He sent out a few feathers to try and find her location. If he found her it would give him a good excuse to talk to the new number one. It didn't take long for his feathers to pick up on her presence, outside. He hurried off in the direction, it sounded like she was upset.

Hawks stepped outside through a side entrance that led to a patio garden. He paused as he spotted the snowy beauty slumped on the ground with her arms wrapped around her. Steam rose off her porcelain skin. His eyes widened as he looked to the scars adorning her arms, there was a large red handprint seared into the skin on her arm, deep purple raised scars across her wrists and fresh bruising across her knuckles. More burns were startling to bubble across her skin seemingly from nowhere.

Without thinking, he ran to her side in an attempt to comfort her. With zero regard for himself he reached out and placed a hand to her bare shoulder. "H-hey? Are you alright?"

Tira let out a gasp as all the burning rage and pain from her brother seemed to fade away to nothing. She felt a warm gentle touch on her shoulder and a dull pain in her feet from her heels but all of Toya's anger and pain had vanished and she could breathe again. She glanced over her shoulder and felt her heart stutter in her chest as she spotted the handsome winged hero who always seemed to be running to her rescue of late.

Seeing she was out of whatever dark spiral she'd been caught in, Hawks started to pull his hand away, not wanting to tempt fate and get burned to a crisp by her father. Sensing he was about to withdraw and fearing Toya's rage would consume her again, Tira desperately caught his hand in hers.

Her face reddened as she realized that was very daring and inappropriate of her, "s-s-sorry." She stammered.

Hawks offered her a comforting smile and held her hand in his, "nothing to apologize for."

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