Chapter 23

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Monday, the day after her second run-in with Chad Tate, Ari woke well before her alarm again. Her curtains were open and she watched a sky that was colored by the mix of morning and night. She laid in bed trying not to think gloomy thoughts. As the pinks and oranges of sunrise filled her view, her mood brightened as well. She decided it was time to put the unpleasantness of the day before behind her.

As the first step, she focused her energy on her morning routine. She showered and got dressed for work without any worries creeping back in. She sat at her small counter with a container of yogurt and her mind began to mull over thoughts of Sebastian. She missed him and wondered what had prevented him from keeping their date.

That thought caused her to remember that she had not charged her phone. That meant she had no good way of contacting him this morning. She wasn't as bothered by that as much as she was bothered by the inverse - he couldn't contact her. Was he still worried that he hadn't been able to reach her since yesterday? She looked for her purse, but did not find it. She couldn't remember if she'd taken it with her when Tam escorted her out of the restaurant the day before. Fortunately her work ID was hanging in its normal spot by her front door.

She returned to her stool and pulled her laptop closer to her. She started to lift the screen, but she hesitated, deciding that it was still not a good idea to email him at his company address. Their only viable means of communication was through their phones, whether it was a call or a text. She wanted to let him know that she had lost hers so he wouldn't think she was ignoring him.

There weren't many options to choose from. She definitely couldn't be direct and go to his office. She couldn't send him a written note either, as that involved too many other people and would raise suspicions. Her only chance was if she could run into him on the plaza outside the Fairfield building. She had seen him there a couple of times recently, so it seemed like her best bet.

She checked the time and rushed out of her apartment. Being unable to sleep this morning had become a blessing as she was able to catch a bus that would put her at the Fairfield building more than an hour before she typically arrived. She stepped off the bus and looked around. Sebastian was not seated on any of the visible benches. Certain that she had not missed him, Ari smiled and took a deep breath. The air was still crisp at this time of day and it refreshed her. She got her usual cup of tea from David.

Ari chose to sit on a bench that was to the left of the entrance rather than to the right as that was the direction she'd arrived from in his car on Friday. Several black sedans pulled into the driveway and entered the garage. The back windows were too darkly tinted for her to get a good look at their occupants. She may have already unknowingly seen him, but she was going to watch cars until it was time for her to clock in.

Another sedan pulled in and stopped at the head of the driveway. The back passenger door opened and Sebastian stepped out. A big smile sprung to Ari's face and she had to keep herself from standing and looking conspicuous. Sebastian locked eyes with her. Ari's heart fluttered. He didn't even make a small grin, but kept his eyes on her as he strode down the sidewalk. Seeing him approach made her temporarily forget all concerns she may have had. However, he didn't stop walking when he came level with her spot on the bench. He shifted his sights to the coffee cart and kept going. He ordered a small coffee the way he normally took it, paid with a twenty dollar bill and took no change.

Ari watched his back, expecting him to turn and join her on the bench or maybe the next one over. When he had his coffee in hand, he turned to his left, away from Ari's direction, and headed towards the building. People were looking at him, some talked to each other behind their hands. Several greeted him. He said nothing to any of them. All she could do was watch as he climbed the stepped landscape and disappeared over the rise. Anxiety replaced excitement. 

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