Chapter 31

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Ari had quite a shock when Chad Tate sat down next to her at the table. Her mind raced with panic and questions. "Of all places in Alaris, why do we have to be in the same restaurant at the same time, again? How did he get invited by Viv? Why does he have to sit next to me?"

Ari scooted her chair back and started to stand.

"Where are you going?" Viv was quick to notice Ari's movements.

"I, umm, I've had a long day and I think I'm going to head home."

"You can't leave yet! It's my birthday!"
"Yeah, Ari, we haven't finished all the courses. Stay."
"Please Ari? Stay. You hardly come out at night, don't leave early."

Feeling guilty for letting her friends down, Ari scooted her chair back under the table. She resigned herself to staying until the meal was finished. She was stressed, but thankful that Chad hardly spoke directly to her. He kept taking snapshots of the group of women. Ari tried to obscure herself, but wasn't successful each time. At the end of the meal, Chad took Viv around the table and posed her with each of her friends.

"It seems like it's rare for this blonde beauty to go out with you," he commented to Viv.

"Ari's a quiet one, doesn't really drink, but she's sweet and a good friend."

Ari stood to leave. 

"Wait a minute there little lady," Chad addressed her. "Viv run around to the other side and give her a hug. I'll snap a photo."

Ari stood there stiff and unresponsive. Viv wrapped her arms around her and smiled for the camera.

"Stay right there. Don't move a muscle." Chad handed his phone to a woman from Fairfield that Ari didn't really know. He rounded the table and stood behind Ari and Viv. He put his arms on their shoulders and inserted his head between the two of them.

Ari was mortified and frozen, she couldn't pull away without giving an explanation that she didn't want to give.

"Why don't you all join me at the bar of the Ralston on 49th street? I'll pay for your drinks." 

The women, except for Ari, cheered. 

Chad then lowered his voice and spoke so only Ari and Viv could hear. "After a few more drinks, the two most luscious women of the group can join me in my penthouse and we'll have the real party."

Viv laughed, "Keep dreaming of that threesome handsome, but I won't turn you down."

Finally Chad dropped his arms and they all exited the restaurant. On the sidewalk, everyone else was drunk and preoccupied with arranging transportation to the bar. Ari took the opportunity to extricate herself and snuck into a different restaurant while she waited for them to leave. She watched her coworkers look for her, but eventually everyone took off. Ari stepped out and got a cab for herself.

She got back to her apartment and changed into pajamas. She laid on her bed, trying to relax. She couldn't concentrate on any books and nothing on television held her attention. She was stuck replaying all the encounters she'd had with Chad Tate up to that point. Her anxiety left her hot and uncomfortable. She went to the refrigerator to get a cold bottle of water. Rather than opening it immediately, she held it to her neck to help cool down. She was leaning on her kitchen counter when the doorbell rang. She looked at the time - ten o'clock.

Not technically late, but late for a random visitor. She felt safe in the assumption that it was probably someone at the wrong door, so she ignored it. The bell rang again and she remained unmoving. The person began to knock loudly on the door. Hearing a bell ringing in her own apartment was an annoyance she could put up with, but she knew the sound of someone rapping on a door would carry down the corridor. Prepared to tell someone that they had the wrong place, Ari went to her entrance.

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