Notes and dragon tribes ☑️

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I would like to put a disclaimer that this is old and.... Yeah.
I'm not going to update it, and, if I do, the updates will be one in a long period of time.



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Description - very bulky and rock - hard dragons. They have any color ranging from obsidian black to light grey, and very rarely white. Their eyes are usually completely black, spreading a rumor from the WindWings that it indicates that they have no soul. They have very short legs but are large and long, their tails stretching longer than the rest of their body. The tails also have a centipede looking shape to it, but instead of ovals they have rock shapes. Their wings allow them to fly small distances before breaks. They have a croc - like mouths but shorter in length and longer teeth sticking out. Most of them are huge compared to normal dragons (from WoF) but can vary from dragon to dragon. Might be ancestors of MudWings and SandWings. The number of rock - like things on their tail shows their age.
Albinos exist.

King - Legend

Abilities and Weaknesses - can shoot huge blasts of fire and almost fireproof, can survive long spans of time by eating rocks, but they must have water to survive. Omnivores. They can put themselves back together, because they are mostly made of rock, but if you take off their head they lose that ability and die. They also must master the ability to do that, for if they don't have a they will most likely kill themselves on the battlefield trying, they also cannot swim, so the best method of killing them is to make them drown or to take off their wings in a battle. They cannot survive falls, for their rocks are less sturdy than others and will crack in a decent fall.

Home - in caves and long winding tunnels that are extremely guarded, found in the South-Eastern hills covered in pine forest's

Animus(s) - they don't have the right DNA to have Animus's! The right genetic material had gone away centuries ago.


Appearance - long, spiky necks with short snouts and usually wore a tired or angry expression. Spikes on the spine and between their wings are tall and pointy, usually ending in a curve. Short bodies, but their long legs are built for running. Scales are tough and hard to break, also have some long fur to keep them warm in the cold mountain range where they live, mostly found on their neck in a mane fashion. Front talons are like a wolves, great for keeping in warmth and running. Their back talons are made for grabbing prey and lifting huge objects. They have two massive wings that are covered with a flat sheet of cold scales(see through) that end in the middle of their lizard like tail. Colors anywhere from dark red and bright yellow to dark blue and white. Purple and orange are rarely seen. Eye colors are the same except that purple and white indicate that something unnatural, powers or destiny related, will happen with the dragon, especially white. The end of their tails have an array of spikes that shed every once and a while. Ancestors of IceWings, SkyWings, and SeaWings.

Queen - CloudRider

Abilities - can use the shedding spikes on their tail ends like daggers or arrows, great at archery. (If they are loose, they can be flicked off towards the enemy and impale them)Can fly for forever until they needed food or water, almost never get tired and only need a few hours of rest, though much slower than SkyWings, mostly gliding. Carnivores. Can climb well and hunt. Their wings are fireproof but their hair isn't, though it grows back fairly quickly and doesn't leave open flesh. Their body scales are fireproof for a short period of time but is slowly adapting. It has gotten tremendously longer over the centuries of war. They can also hold their breath for about 3 minutes before having to resurface. Able to live with little air available, like in a cave or way up high due to living in the mountains.

Home - In mostly snowy mountain tops unless they have been banished from the tribe, but their main base is in the highest snowy mountain top in Pyro known as Summit found in the North, where the queen lives.

Animus(s) - IceShift and Forecast, who are sisters.
They both refuse to use their magic.
They both have purple eyes like their mom.
That is all.

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