Chapter 13 - Igneous ✔️

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Igneous woke up to an ear-piercing scream. TruthSeeker was knocked out on her left and WaveDrift had a StoneWing quart on top of him, a spear sticking out of his front talon. He looked as if he was going to feint in the loss of blood, his face unnaturally pale. She squealed in terror and threw herself at the guards closest to WaveDrift, knocking them all into the freezing water. She felt the cold deep through her veins, sending a shudder along her spine as she desperately flailed in the water, barely keeping her head up. On the plus side, the guards were doing much worse, only coming up a few seconds at a time before getting dragged down by gravity. At least she had taken some sort of swimming lessons. She heard a roar and saw a guard and WaveDrift join them in the ice bath. At this point she couldn't feel her legs and arms, much less move them as she slowly sunk like a rock, hitting the shallow floor with a steady thump. Her eyes fluttered as she saw movement. Another guard had fallen next to her. It was a young male as she could see a and carried a pouch along his arm, along with the various weapons and a whole set of armor. Like it helped anyway.
She did her best to muster a smile and grabbed his talon, feeling the last of her breath leave her, seeing that he had already done the same. Two more thump s came next to her along with some shouts from a dragon-WaveDrift, she assumed that they were the other guards bodies. Well, at least I did one thing to make dad proud. She thought, exasperated, and felt her presence leave her body, which was now on the beach shore next to the other StoneWing, who was clearly breathing small puffs at a time as WaveDrift was rapidly trying to perform a rushed version of CPR on her unmoving body.
Looking down, she noticed that nothing was there, but she could move freely. She was the wind.
"Um. Where am I?" She asked to no one in particular. She had heard that you would turn into the stone once you were ready, first going to heaven, not the other way around, especially not as the wind.
—Authors note!

From now on, this story will be arranged differently, so the spaces between paragraphs will be more like this:



Instead of:


Sorry for interrupting, back to the story! :D—
"You are in the middle of Life and Death." Said a clear and slurred voice behind her. She turned to see another wind spirit, a face that melted into the air. It smiled at her warmly, as if this happened daily for them.

"What, surprised? I am-was- SleetWelder. Not like it matters." Igneous felt herself drift backwards, trying to process the situation.

I had died. Her brain murmured. I. Died.

"Yes, it's a tough spot to be in, dead. It feels weird, talking to you. Usually you StoneWings would transform into the rock immediately, or go to heaven and what not, while we ancestors down here stay as the wind. I've barely ever talked to one of you guys up close." Now listening, she could notice a twinge of a WindWing accent in SleetWelder's voice, just barely noticeable.

"How long have you been, uhh, the wind?" She asked hesitantly, watching as SleetWelder began to slowly stick her fingers up.

"About 2 to 3 thousand years. Huh. It's been awhile." She felt her jaw drop as she processed what the ancestor had just said.

"Your thinking why I won't just go to heaven already and join my family. Well, you see, in heaven your body would slowly dissolve, after a while or until you want it too, and your conscience gets put into a different dragons. It's very complicated. But to keep it simple, I couldn't go to heaven for like, 5 hundred years because of my body and curses and what not, I'm not going into it, and my whole family had already had their conscience put into a different dragonets since they had waiting for too long, so I know that if I went now then I would have nobody to greet me."

She felt her jaw begin to dry and closed it swiftly as SleetWelder continued babbling, almost in a rushed way, as if she would disappear any second.

"I am a wind spirit, well, obviously, but you even if you may look like one, are merrily stuck. You can't choose to turn into a stone spirit or go to heaven, so Life and Death, and their children, decided that you would go into the opposite tribes spirit area until you could decide! I remember being a stone spirit, ah, it's been awhile.... Let's talk about me! My spirit used to be in a soldiers body, string and swift, until I charged at a StoneWing soldier, or what I thought was a StoneWing soldier.

"Looking back, I can clearly see now that it was a hybrid! It's neck was too narrow and long, and it's wings were huge. The eye color is what letter gave it away, and I almost killed it until it's mom showed up. Now SHE was very unhappy and-my luck!- cursed me to continuously keep dying and coming back to life until I regretted my actions. She had kept me in her cave tied up, and every so often let her daughter kill me slowly. Again and again. Must've gotten that idea from the Wind, because of FoeSlayer and Arctic and what not.

"She eventually had more daughters, see, who she told them how I had apparently, killed her whole family now. So then they had usually dressed me up and even gave me a baby bottle tied to my mouth until the next generation came and did the same—"

"Alright I get the idea, thanks."

SleetWelder looked at her with a hurt expression.

"Um. Look. Can you just tell me, like important stuff like how to get back— not that your story isn't important! But I have limited time here with you, and I need the necessities."

Looking down, she noticed that WaveDrift was still pumping air into her. She was just minutes away from going back, if she was still alive.

SleetWelder muttered unfamiliar curses under her breath, and she caught Wolf's Nose and Crescent Toy.

".... Alright fine. See your body right there? Glide into it. If you do that you will show the Wind Spirits that you want to go back, and you will have a higher chance of them letting you back. Other than that, there's nothing you really can do!
But I do remember that they told me to tell you this. Jeez tongue twister!"

She started to laugh, but shut up as she looked at the look Igneous was giving her.

"Go beyond Pyro. Find Pyrrhia, and help will await you there. Now go, be fast! I'll watch and follow you every step of the way. I'll be waiting for you until your last breath."

She quickly began to glide towards her unconscious body, but before even reaching it a large tug came from her heart, dragging her back into... herself.

Well, I guess I just really need to live then.

The last thing she heard was SleetWelder screaming 'tell jokes for me!' Before searing pain drenched her body—literally, she was freezing— and began to puke up bucketloads of water.
Not even opening her eyes once she was done, Igneous quickly fell into a deep sleep, not wanting to have to feel the cold anymore.

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