Chapter 2

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//Smitty Pov\\
I woke up with a boat load of energy today and sprang out of bed to get dressed. Again in my white jeans, white hoodie and I actually put on my white trainers since I have tasks today.

"Ayyye looks like he woke up early this time!", Scotty called out as the others cheered. I skipped past them with a proud look and headed to admin to check in, before getting my breakfast and sitting beside Tyler.

Tyler: "Glad to see your full of energy"

"Yup, ready to face the day!", I cheered, fist pumping the air.

"Good, now you can do your tasks without slacking", I slumped in my seat hearing him say that and the others chuckled. We could sit wherever we wanted in the canteen, obviously, but we all just naturally chose our own little groups and tables. The table closest to the kitchen (That was opposite medbay) Is where me, Tyler, Brock and Brian sit. Sometimes Anthony and Scotty sits with us but they always float between tables. The table by weapons is where David and John sit and the table next to theirs is where Evan and Jonathan sit. The middle table is obviously where the emergency button and the tannoy is, to call for meetings. The other table by ours is just a spare really, but it's always cramped with random stuff scattered across it.

We placed our plates in the sink once we were finished eating and parted ways to get on with our work. Doing tasks by myself was always boring though, I like when I get the same as Tyler. As odd as it is, I can always focus better when I'm working with him, even if we do talk and mess around sometimes, I work better with him. When I'm by myself, my thoughts tend to wonder off and I forget what I'm doing.

I was walking through Cafe to get to my next task in o2, when John came out from the gaming room. "Heey you forgot my Goodmorning again bro, cmon!", he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to ruffle my hair.

"I'm booored I wanna plaaaay", I whine, slouching in his arms and looking up at him.

John: "You gotta finish your tasks Smitty, should've played yesterday"

"But I was tiirrred"

John: "Maybe if you finish your tasks quickly, then we can play", he winked and gave me a little push to head to my task.
Tyler came out storage and went up to him only seconds after I left, "Don't distract him, you know how sidetracked he gets"

"I was just giving him a little motivation thats all", he pat his shoulder and walked away to the kitchen.

"Whatever gets him working I guess", Tyler muttered to himself.

I finally finished my tasks and went to security since I couldn't find Tyler anywhere. I saw him exit Comms and he waved at the camera, knowing I was there since the camera light was green. Whenever I needed him but couldn't find him, I would get on cams to let him know, it was our little thing. So I ran to communications where he waited, smiling when I arrived.

"Can I go play nooow? I'm done with my tasks", I asked with a pout and my 'puppy dog face' as people would call it... Except I'm a cat.

"That was quick, I guess Johns motivation worked huh?", he bends down to be more my level, "What tasks did you have kit?"

"I had wires in Admin and Storage, fuel in top Engine, filter in O2 and switches in Security"

"Alright go have fun then", he smiled, watching me skip through storage and to the game room. I ran and leaned over the back of the couch, tumbling over onto Brian, Brock and Johns legs. Surprised by the sudden action, they get me back by tickling me and everyone laughed as I rolled off them to get away.

"Finished all your tasks yet?", John asked as I sat on the floor in front of him.

I nodded eagerly, "Tyler said I can come play now!"

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