Chapter 3

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//Smittys Pov\\
I didn't get much sleep last night, despite how tired I had gotten yesterday. I ended up tossing and turning for most of the night and only carried out 'til morning. My heat had started, I know that now cause of what Tyler said yesterday, about my smell being sweet and how I got clingy to him. But I usually get more indications than that, especially since I'm albino and albino heats are stronger. But that wasn't the case this time. It came full pelt and I couldn't ask for help cause everyone was too busy screaming at each other for god knows what. And most of them get seduced by my heat anyways so that's obviously a no go. I was too hot and in too much of a hurry to get dressed, so I just left my room in my boxers and top. Not like my weak body could hurry in this state anyways. Leaning against the walls didn't help my shaky legs from collapsing at the top of the stairs, so I shuffled down them instead and staggered to Medbay, where my suppressants where.

I collapsed again at the door and crawled towards the cupboard, to find out my medicine was on the highest shelf. I groaned as I tried to stand just to be able to get on a chai for heightr, but the shakiness of my arms nocked both me and the chair over.

"What the- Smitty are you okay? I heard a crash", I turned to the person who spoke and he sat me up, holding onto my shoulders to support me.

"J-John, mgh~ M-my suppressants", I hated when people saw me like this. Flustered, touchy, fidgety, it's so fucking embarrassing.

"John?", I looked to him, wondering why he wasn't doing anything, only to see something I didn't recognise staring right back at me. Lust filled his eyes and his grip got stronger on my shoulders. Now I was scared, and I can't fight back. He was way much stronger and bigger than me. There was nothing I could do as he pushed me to the floor harshly, pinning my arms above my head with his right hand and pulling my top up with the other.

"John s-stop.. please", I whimpered, tears now falling from my eyes rapidly. This isn't like him. This isn't like my best friend to do this kind of thing. He licked up my neck and teased my chest with his free hand, as I squirmed beneath him. "Stop!", I tried kicking him away but that only riled him up more, now pinning my legs down with his before sliding his hand into my underwear. All I could was sob, not even choke out words anymore.

//Wildcats Pov\\
Everyone was awake and eating breakfast except Smitty, I figured I'd let him sleep a little longer since he exhausted himself yesterday. Evan and Delirious weren't here either but that's cause they had tasks today. I was bouta take a bite of my toast when a loud crash and yelling came from down the hall, everyone got up and hurried to where it came from.

"Woah what the fucks going on?!", I yelled as I ran to Evan, holding his arms behind his back. Anthony did the same to Delirious and we put some distance between them.

"HE KEEPS SLACKING OFF AND WON'T DO HIS FUCKING TASKS!", Evan spat, a bit of blood coming out of his mouth. Jonathan must've hit him hard.

"Oh I'm sorry I keep accidentally messing up the wires. Maybe if your weren't such a fUCKING PERFECTIONIST AND LET ME DO IT MYSELF, WE WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW!", the blue boy argued back.

"BOIS BOIS YER BOTH PRETTY! Now get on wiv your own tasks aright!", Nogla piped in. The two seemed calm enough now so we let them go. I was about to help the others clean up as they got back to their tasks, until I got a wiff of a familiar sweet sent.

"Has anyone seen Jaren yet?", I asked as the others looked at each other and shook their heads. "I think it's his heat week so just be aware"

Brian: "Ooh so thats what I was smelling!"

"Wait, Kryoz isn't here either", Brock pointed out, then it clicked in everyone's brains and we all split up fast to search for the two. Calling out their names but to no avail. I ran to his room first but he wasn't there, he hadn't even got dressed yet and that was just gonna cause more problems. My thoughts were interrupted by Delirious' voice booming through the intercom, saying the two were in medbay. So I ran straight there and Delirious was standing outside the door, clearly not knowing what to do with the sight in front of him.

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