Chapter 4

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//Smittys Pov\\
I woke up to Tyler gently smoothing his thumb across my cheek. "Morning baby, you sleep okay?", I nodded and smiled as he kissed me on the nose before climbing over me to get dressed. I was too mesmerised by how his muscles moved under his skin that I didn't notice him looking back at me.

"Like what you see?", he winked, chuckling as I pulled the covers over my face to hide my blush. He lifted up the side and slid underneath, hovering over to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss but whined when he broke it.

"We gotta check in baby, cmon". He got up, pulling me with him and went to the wardrobe to get my jumper and jeans. "That reminds me, did you check in yesterday?", he asked, pulling the bottom of my hoodie down as I shook my hair outa my face.

"N-no, Is that bad?", my ears drooped.

Tyler: "No it's okay, you just gotta write why you didn't in the check book, that's all"

"Okay". I stood up and held his hand as we went to admin. We swiped our cards and I wrote my excuse for yesterday, then we headed to the cafeteria. I didn't explain what had happened in full detail obviously, cause that's just embarrassing. I just write about his bad my heat was and that I had "collapsed". I sat down in my usual spot beside Scotty whilst Tyler went to get our breakfasts. Anthony, Brian and Brock were either in the kitchen or still asleep probably.

"Jaren, can I sit here for a sec?", I whipped my head around to see the person who I used to call my best friend. Scotty stood up to counteract but John just brushed it off and sat beside me anyways. My ears drooped and my tail wrapped between my legs. Well under the seat since I was sat down.

"I'm so fucking sorry about yesterday  Smithers and I really hope you can forgive me, I-I wasn't thinking properly and I-", he was suddenly picked up and dragged off the seat by the back of his top. Tylers grip didn't let go until John put his arms up in surrender, "I'll go, i'll go! I was just saying sorry", he stated, fixing his top when Tyler let go then he walked off to do his tasks. The scary look on Tyler's face softened but still showed his anger.

Brian and Brock were with Tyler when he arrived and they all sat down with their breakfasts. "Did he do anything?", Tyler asked. Not directly at me but to the both of us in general. Scotty explained so they let it go and we carried on with our food. Anthony soon joined us and they joked about how late he was with his bed hair sticking out all over the place. Today we all agreed on watching cartoons since we haven't done that for a while, plus I think they just wanted to cheer me up so they pretty much let me watch whatever I wanted. Which was Adventure Time but they all like that show anyways so they didn't mind.

Everyone sat down and I jumped in Tyler's lap trying to get comfy. There was other spaces but at this point he was just my personal seat. That and I love him so much and I don't want to be away from him.

"You two are more touchy than usual. What's going on there?", Brock asked playfully and the others attention were all on us. Tyler looked at me and I understood what he was trying to get through so I nodded, suggesting he could tell them.

"We're together now actually. Turns out we've had feelings for each other for a while", he smiled at me and I smiled back before Brian spoke up, "Wait when did this happen?!", he asked surprised.

Tyler: "When we found out our feelings or when we got together?"

Brian: "When did you get together!?"

Tyler: "Last night"

Anthony: "Ooh were you two getting it on after what happened then~?". He teased and I whacked him in the face with my tail, causing everyone to laugh.

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