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Hyeon stood in the hall, her back leaning on her locker as she scrolled through her phone. School was over and she waited inside for Jihoon to pick her up.

"Hyeon!!" A familiar voice rung through the hall and she looked up to see Junghwan running towards her. "Oh Junghwan, what's up?"

"Are you going to meet with the rest at Treasure?" The younger asked and she shook her head. "Going home, have some kinda meeting with the fam."

"Oh, that's alright." He said with a small smile just as her phone buzzed. "Well that's Jihoon. He said to meet him at the café. We can walk together if you want."

"I'd love that!" Junghwan said as they left their school. "Just realised that our group is called Treasure and the café is also called Treasure." Junghwan said out of nowhere and the girl raised a brow.

"Woah, I never realised."

"That's such coincidence!!" He said and the girl fought back a chuckle. "Honestly."
"So like, we never talked much. What do you like?"

Hyeon thought for a bit and cleared her throat before speaking. "Mostly music and sweets, I have such a sweet tooth."

"Oh, I took part in dance team for some time but had to quit because it didn't match with my school schedule." Junghwan pouted and the girl patted his back.

"It's alright. I'm sure you did great." She smiled slightly and he gasped. "Oh my god, you smiled!"

"Yeah I have emotions too." A chuckle left her mouth and he bit down on his lip. "Sorry, that was rude." He apologised and a laugh left her mouth.

"No need to apologise, I know I'm not the type of person you will see smiling in public. But don't tell it to others alright? I don't want them to get ahead of them, thinking they know me well when in reality we are just strangers."

"But for them to know you, you've got to interact with them more you know?" Junghwan said and she sighed. "I know but it's hard. I just," She stopped and gulped down a lump that formed in her throat.

"I can't do it." The other nodded. "Is that why you're avoiding Asahi? Is he the reason why you don't feel comfortable? Because I can make him leave!"

Junghwan said, raising his head high and puffing his chest out, which made the girl laugh once again. "It's alright, I'll deal with it."

"So it is Asahi?" He asked and she slowly nodded. "But how do you know I'm avoiding him?"

"Except the thing it's really obvious? He told it to us and it's making him worried. I don't think he knows why you're avoiding him."

"Is that so?" Hyeon asked and the younger nodded his head. "Junghwan?" She said after a while of keeping silent. "Huh?"

"Do you know what kind of business is Asahi's father doing?" The other shrugged. "He's the owner of the big beer company, apparently he wants Asahi to take over his place and that's why he tends to leave."

"And that's it?" The girl asked and the other nodded. "Yeah, though Asahi doesn't like speaking about himself much this is the information I can give you."

"Thank you." She smiled at him and he returned the action. "Can you tell me why you're avoiding him?"

"Well, not exactly. That's a story for another time." Her smile dropped and Junghwan realised there must be a big backstory to what's happening between them.

"Oh, I didn't know you would join us!" Jaehyuk said as the two entered the café and everyone turned their head to look at the girl. "I'm actually not, I'm here to mee-"

Her sentence was cut off when Jihoon walked from the back of the café. "Great, you're here just in time. Mom said we've got to be home in ten minutes or she won't give us anything to eat."

"Well excuse me sir but you're the one who told me to walk here." She rolled her eyes and walked towards where the other stood while Junghwan walked towards the rest after ordering.

"Oh, are these your friends? The study group you mentioned?" Jihoon asked as he pointed to the boys in the corner and the girl slowly nodded. "Then introduce them!"

He said with a big smile and walked towards the eight before sitting on a chair next to Yedam.

"Sure I guess, but didn't you say mom wants us home in ten minutes?" The girl mumbled and he shrugged. "She won't mind when I tell her I was meeting your new friends."

"Okay so Jihoon meet," She started before inhaling a deep breathe and saying their names by how they sat. "... Jaehyuk, Mashiho, Haruto and lastly," She took a deeo breathe in. "Asahi."

"Asahi? Like the beer?" He eyed the younger who nodded his head slowly. "Yeah."

"Hamada Asahi?" Jihoon asked once again and the other once again nodded. "Oh hell naw." He stood up and shook his head. "Let's go Hye."

"Bye guys!" The girl yelled as the other pulled her outside. "Why didn't you tell me you are friends with him?!"

"Fuck you Jihoon, you know damn well I ain't." The other rolled his eyes and she face palmed. "How could I after what happened?" A pout displayed on her lips as he sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry, I know it's hard for you, I should've known better than to accuse you."

"Let's go now, auntie must be worried. Oh also later you can come visit grandma with me, she really wants to see you."

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