thirty two

132 10 11

tw: panic attack


"I'm so glad to finally have you back!" Jiwoo said as she embraced Hyeon into a hug for the fifth time in the last three minutes.

Hyeon smiled at her behaviour, placing a hand around her shoulder as they walked towards the cafeteria.

Upon their arrival to the table, all the boys were already there, except Asahi. Hyeon hasn't heard from him since Yoshi took away his phone and she couldn't say she wasn't worried.

"Hey guys!" Jiwoo said before taking a seat next to Yedam, pulling the other girl after her. "Look who's back!"

"Hyeon!" Junghwan waved at her with a huge smile on his face which she gladly returned. "Hey Hwan."

Nobody else seemed to care that she's back, except maybe Doyoung. He spoke to her during the first two lessons, almost getting himself in detention.

Noticing the awkward atmosphere in the air she silently started eating her food, unsure of what to say.

Jiwoo noticed the change in her mood, pushing a cupcake her way in hopes of cheering her up. Cupcakes make everyone feel better, no?

A few moments later Hyeon took a deep breathe in and spoke up. "Has anyone spoke to Asahi?"

Her question made everyone raise their heads. "No." Jaehyuk said, his gaze filled with worry. "Do you know what's up with him?"

"Uhm, well-"

"Because, I last texted him on thursday before he dissapeared." He added and Hyeon hummed slightly.

"It's my fault." Hyeon stated and Jiwoo shook her head, as if trying to say not to blame herself.

"I can't go into details but I fucked something up while we were researching for the business his dad is doing with Jihoon's mom and we found out some information we weren't supposed to know."

She stopped for a moment to collect her breath before finishing.

"His dad got mad at me, well us, and he took away Asahi's phone and grounded him. Though I didn't expect him to not come to school."

"So you guys are on good terms now?" Haruto asked and she nodded. "I guess."

"Wait, wait. His dad grounded him because you found out something you shouldn't have? That's bullshit! Why would they let you do something if there's a risk of finding something you weren't supposed to?"

"I fucked up. I'm sorry. Now he's locked in his room, because of me. With no way to contact his friends nor anyone else."

"It's not your fault Hyeon." Jiwoo said, taking the other girl's hand into hers. "You couldn't have known. Asahi's father is to be blamed."

Hyeon sighed, knowing that it's a lie. She is the only person who is at fault. If maybe she didn't bring him to her grandma, if only she hadn't told him the truth.

Her hands started shaking, another panic attack on its way. "Uhm, I've gotta go." She mumbled out before quickly leaving the cafeteria, her backpack on her shoulder and the food long forgotten on thr table.

"Hyeon!" She heard Doyoung yelling after her but Jiwoo just made him sit down. "Let her go. She needs some time alone."

Upon reaching the top of the stairs and running through the doors, she fell down onto the cold floor. Her breaths were shallow and fast. Trying her best to calm down her breathing she took deep breaths in and out.

She struggled to sit up, slowly pushing herself towards the small wall preventing people to fall off the rooftop. Once she managed to reach it, she turned around, leaning her back on the wall.

Minutes later and her breathing finally stabilised, her eyes blurry from tears. "Ohmygod." She whispered to herself before taking a deep breathe in and reaching for the railing to help her up.

A sigh left her lips as she leaned onto the railing, looking over the school yard. Her mind was a mess, thoughts jumping from one topic to another.

That was when she realised, she needs to get this over with. The time has come for her to get the man responsible for her parents' deaths to jail.

She can't let him imprison his son just because he found out the truth about his crimes. About his wrong doings.

She can't let him live a happy, normal life, while everyone around him is suffering.

She needs to stop him for good. And that's what she will do.



sorry for not updating in a while i'm in the middle of my finals and i'm all over the place

also, writers block because of stress 😭💔

hope you all are doing well:)

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