☾ʙᴇᴀᴛʀɪᴄᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ☽ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1

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ʙᴇᴀᴛʀɪᴄᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢᴘᴀʀᴛ 1ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17

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ʙᴇᴀᴛʀɪᴄᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17

                            Kol and Annabelle sat on the roof, a map of Denver on the ground along with a pocket knife and candle. He looked up at the sun, his eyes squinting but he wore sunglasses. Annabelle sat down next to map and she picked up the pocketknife, she licked her lips hesitantly.

Annabelle bought it to her palm and slit it, the blood dripping on the middle of the map. Kol could feel his gums rip and veins appear under his eyes but he gripped the roofs tile edges, it broke slightly but he needed to control himself.

The brunette closed her eyes and began chanting a locator spell on her elder newborn vampire sister "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem." She chanted and Kol turned around to see that the blood wasn't moving. When Annabelle felt none of her energy getting drained, her eyes opened, furrowing.

Kol signed in frustration "She has witch friends, doesn't she?" He asked and the realization hit her. She nodded. "She made them make her untraceable. Guess we'll have to do this the...Original way." He winked.

"Funny." Annabelle sighed and got up, she wrapped a plaster on her cut and looked to Kol "I guess we do. Let's go." She walked down the roof stairs, holding the railings as a guide. The stairs were metallic and did a clicking sound with each step.

The two got in the car and Kol started the engine making it road loudly. He put his hand on the handbrake and began driving. He turned to the brunette then looked back at the road and took off his sunglasses.

"Where do you presume she'll be...?" Kol asked as he drove around slowly,.

"Well," Annabelle sighed, deep in thought as she spoke "Beatrice has three friend witches. Each of them have something in common. They all have a family of witches and warlocks that like her so we'll start with each of their locations ." She looked to Kol "Let's start with Miranda."


"I'm sorry, I haven't seen her in so long after she...left." Miranda sighed with an apologetic look "Have you tried tracking her?" She asked, eyes flickering between the Original vampire and Annabelle.

Miranda and her family weren't fans of vampires so the trio talked in the porch. Kol didn't really care, he just needed to make sure that Annabelles older sister wouldn't make a stupid move such as awakening Silas.

"Yes." Annabelle nodded with a small smile "It's fine, we'll just check with Charlotte, thanks for helping." She widened her smile, showing she was appreciated making Kol look at her questionably.

"But she didn't even help us—" Kol started, eyeing Miranda, obviously judging her and she scowled at him, crossing her arms over her chest, returning the judging look.

"Thank you." Annabelle took Kols arm and dragged him away "You can't just tell her she wasn't helping us." She rolled her eyes as she got in the car.

"I'm merely stating facts." Kol shrugged, starting the car "Fancy telling me where this Charlotte lives, darling?" He asked, starting the car.

Annabelle nodded "Her house is close. Go straight, just five blocks away." She explained and Kol began driving.

The brunette found herself staring at him, unable to tear her eyes from him. She loved his hair, how there was always a strand falling back on his forehead, no matter how many times he pushed it back. How his eyes wrinkled adorably when he smiled or smirked widely. His lips so soft, she wondered if it was as soft as it looked. She noticed how whenever he was angry, he would always look through his eyebrows intimidatingly.

Annabelle noticed a lot of things over the past months. She noticed how his shirts always had putting, whether it was a polo shirt, a checkered shirt or Henley long sleeve t-shirts (which are the ones he mostly wears), his clothing always have buttons. She noticed how he would always glare at the white oak stake or the dagger. She noticed how he would always be determined to get what he wants, never allowing himself to get a no for an answer.

She also noticed something about herself. Annabelle noticed how even when he'd call her 'love' or 'darling' she would feel her heart flutter. But whenever he'd tell that to another lass, she would feel her stomach turn. When Beatrice flirted with Kol she felt her blood boil.  She noticed how his siblings would share glances whenever they would bicker with each other or talk to each other.

She remembered the night in the hotel with him. How she woke up with his arms wrapped around her. She pretended to be asleep just so she could favor the moment but Kol knew she was awake since her heart beat picked up it's pace— and it was a pretty fast pace, too fast for him to ignore but he decided to not tease her, just to favors the moment.

Kol chuckled "You're staring, love." He smirked widely and she pulled herself out of her daydream, blinking as her heart uncontrollably fluttered. "And besides, we've arrived."

Annabelle quickly nodded "R-Right. Let's erm go." She quickly got out of the car and Kol raised a brow before shrugging and getting out of the car, following behind her.

The two made it to the door and Annabelle curled her fist up to a ball and knocked on the door making Kol roll his eyes "You do realize that there's a doorbell, right?" He pointed to the doorbell and pressed his finger against it and she felt her cheeks heat up with a nod.

Kols ears perked up at the sound of her heart racing, he laughed to himself, shaking his head as he heard footsteps and the sound of someone walking towards the door. Kol decided to take advantage of the situation and stepped closer to Annabelle then put a hand on her lower back.

A lady opened the door. She had curly hair with tan skin and hazel eyes, she looked like she was in her fifties with wrinkles painting her face. Her lips curled up to a smile at the sight of Annabelle. Charlottes mother didn't like Beatrice but she liked Annabelle.

"Annabelle, how can I help you?" Kaylee asked sweetly, her eyes flickered to Kol "And who is this handsome young man?" She asked and Kol playfully winked as she moved his hands to her waist, pulling her closer.

Kol smirked as her heartbeat only raced faster but he could tell she felt comfortable. "This is my friend, Kol." She introduced "I hope you don't mind but he's a vampire."

Kaylee waved it off "It doesn't matter much to me. A friend of yours is a friend to me." Her eyes trailed to the hand he has on Annabelles waist "Although it looks like you two are more than friends." She smirked.

"Oh, you heard her." Kol looked down to Annabelle, his smirk widening as he brushed his fingers on her waist soothingly "We're just close friends." He smirked.

Annabelle shook her head, nudging Kol away from her and taking a deep breath "Is Beatrice here? Perhaps Shes with Charlotte...it's really important." She crosses her arms and drummed her fingers with a worried expression.

Kaylee frowned, shaking her head with her curls moving around "We haven't seen her ever since she's left." She lowered her voice so Annabelle couldn't hear "Good riddance to that." She mumbled and Kol heard her making him chuckle.

"Okay." Annabelle nodded "Thanks for helping." She turned to Kol "One last house. Abigail."

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