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ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇsᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26

Annabelle woke up, she had just had a nightmare of herself getting stabbed in the heart. She let out a scream as her eyes got teary. The next second, Kol was in her bedroom, he wore comfortable sweat-pants with no shirt and messy hair due to his sleep, his eyes met Annabelles.

"I thought you were dying." Kol grumbled, looking at her as she quickly wiped her tears and laid back down, snuggling into the covers with a horrified expression. "Pathetic." He whispered as he left the room.

Annabelle frowned "Kol." She called out and he stopped walking, waiting for her to continue. "Stay." She whispered sheepishly, her cheeks a bright shade of pink.

"Can you sleep next to me...please?" She politely asked.

Kol paused, seeming hesitant before he walked out of the room making her frown and hug the covers tighter as she struggled to fall back to sleep. Why would I ask that? How could I be so stupid?! Just, jump out of a roof or something. I sounded like a child Annabelle thought to herself.

Just then, Annabelle felt something warm behind her, an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in. She felt Kols chest warm up her back. As his arms wrapped tightly around her. Annabelle turned to face him and laid her head on his chest, slightly leaning into his neck

"Goodnight." Kol whispered before she fell asleep. He liked the feeling of her body next to his, the way she held onto him and snuggled her head closer to his neck, assuring him that she's breathing. He liked it all.

Kol looked to her head and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before closing his eyes and hugging her body closer against his again before allowing himself to drift off to sleep, finally sleeping in peace.


Kol had woke up to his phone ringing making him groan and look to see Annabelle sound asleep. His lips curl up to a smile but it didn't last long with his phone ringing loudly, again making him roll his eyes and pick up his phone to see Klaus calling him. With a sigh, he swiped the green button, keeping one arm around Annabelle.

"Unless there is a life that I genuinely care about in danger, your girlfriends excluded, you better have a good reason to be calling me right now of all days." Kol grumbled and looked down at Annabelle with a smirk as his hands stroked her hair. "I'm a bit preoccupied brother."

"Can't be too important." Klaus mumbled as Annabelles eyes fluttered open, being able to hear the conversation and she hummed slightly as Kol continued to stroke her hair.

"Our brute of a father tried to kill our darling sister this morning." The two tensed. "If it wasn't for Annabelles spell, he would have succeeded but now we all need to gather up and make a plan. We're in the witches old house."

Kol hung up and looked to Annabelle "Morning sunshine." He smirked, silently wondering how she still manages to look beautiful after just waking up.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up with a small smile. "Get dressed." He got out of bed and walked out of her room to get dressed.

Annabelle finished with her hair, , makeup and clothing. She chose to wear blue jeans, a black tight tank top with a white cardigan. She let her hair down and slipped on black boots then walked out of her room to see Kol walking towards her room but paused when he noticed her.

Kol smiled softly "You make yourself breakfast, yeah?" He told her and she nodded.

Annabelle goes to the kitchen and decides to just go with a fruit oatmeal. She finishes the oatmeal then cuts the strawberries, not knowing Kol is now behind her and watching her. "Might want to hurry." She jumps at his voice, cutting herself and turning to glare at him.

"Seriously?" She looks to see it's bleeding a lot then back at Kol who has his veins under his eyes which were a bloodshot color. "You've been alive for a thousand years and can't control yourself?"

"Annabelle." Kol grits through his teeth and quickly bites into his wrist, showing it to her mouth and she glares at him, swallowing trh blood.

"No plasters?" She mumbles. "I don't want breakfast anymore." She says, still tasting his blood and walking out. They grabbed Kols car keys in unison. Their hands over each other.

"I'm driving." He claimed and she opened her mouth to protest "I'm sorry, whose car is this?"

Annabelle rolled her eye "Fine." She grumbled and walked to the door, opening the car door and getting in.

Kol entered from the other side and started the car engine then began driving to the witch old house, the same one Jeremy hid the white oak stakes in. Annabelle opened the radio and closed her eyes, throwing her head back and Kol spared her a glance before looking back in front of her.

Once they reached, Annabelle crossed her arms. And they entered inside to see Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah. Klaus looked to Annabelle and rolled his eyes.

"Annabelle, you could go show yourself out." He gestured to the door and Kol scoffed.

"Are you kid—" Kol started with an angered expression but Klaus cut him off.

"As per usual, our family faces a multitude of threats. The sooner you become acquainted with them, the better. I won't have us distracted! Why do you think I haven't gotten Caroline and Katherine involved because distractions are the least we need!" Klaus yelled and Rebekah sent Annabelle an apologetic look but the brunette only nodded, understandingly.

Kol scoffed "By Annabelle? All she's done is protect us!" He stepped forward but Elijah put a hand on his chest to stop him since they know Kol is short tempered.

"You know if only you pull you're head out of your—"

"Kol." Annabelle interrupted and smiled reassuringly.

"I understand. I'll leave you guys alone." She turned around and began walking away making Kols shoulder slump, turning to her but he didn't stop her.

Once Annabelle made it outside, something harshly hit her head and she began feeling dizzy, her arms dropped to the side and she stumbled, refusing to black out but another force hit her head again and her vision turned black.

Yes, I know, it's a short chapter but l want you guys to consider this the end of season one.

Heh, yes, I did use a Kolvina scene— sort off, I mean, I didn't add the forehead kiss so good enough, right?

𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𓆩𝐤𝐨𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𓆪| | 1Where stories live. Discover now