☾ᴋɪʟʟ ᴍᴇ☽

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ᴋɪʟʟ ᴍᴇᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9

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ᴋɪʟʟ ᴍᴇ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9


That was the highlight of Annabelle morning. Note sarcasm. She groggily got out of bed with a sigh and dragged herself over to Kols room after grabbing a blood bag from her drawer. She was rubbing her eyes and she looked to see him with his face vamped out and him against the invisible threshold.

"Good morning to you too, Mr.Mikaelson." Annabelle sarcastically mumbled, throwing the blood bag to him and she looked at him with messy loose hair, a big black plain shirt with no pants underneath.

Kol growled angrily "Get me out of here this instant." He demanded as the Originals appear, also have waken up from Kols yelling "I'm going to kill you and then I'll kill sweet Aurelia and Stacey, maybe even Beatrice for sport!" He threatened.

Annabelle rolled her eyes "Oh, cry me a river Kol." She murmurs, sighing in exhaustion "They are protected and untraceable and in a new location, you'll have to go through hell and back if you want to lay your fingers on them." She crossed her arms, failing to look serious.

Kol sped to her but the threshold pushed him back "Let me out and stop being a coward."

The brunette scoffed "I bought you back to life, I could easily kill you. Ever heard of witches being able to reverse their spells?" She tilted her head to the side.

"You're bluffing. You'll kill Stacey in the meanwhile." Kol smirked in triumph.

"Actually, no." Annabelle smiled "Have you not been listening to me yesterday? The gang found a way to unlink you to my sister."

Kols expression fell "My siblings would kill you."

"And so I'll be dead with you. Then, the gang will think you guys killed Tyler and in which would lead to immediate anger. They'll kill Rebekah and Elijah, eventually they'll kill Klaus which will end the Mikaelson bloodline. Then, they'll free Silas and all hell would go loose." Annabelle smiled, stepping forward "You need me more than I need you."

The Mikaelsons fell silent, knowing she was right "I'm keeping you here for a reason, once you control yourself, I'll free you." She walked away.


"Here, this is how you stake a vampire." Jermey went behind Annabelle, putting his hands on hers, guiding her hands into stabbing the tree "You level your hands then stab with force and no hesitance." He stabbed the wooden stake in the hole of the tree. "Try it on your own."

Annabelle nodded, taking a stake and she took it in her grasp, she leveled her hands and quickly stabbed it in with no hesitance. It hits the hole perfectly make her smile "Yes!" She cheered and spun around to face Jeremy "I did it! Ugh, I could kiss you!" The words slipped out of her mouth and she regretted it. They kissed before.

Annabelle liked Jeremy but felt no love or sexual attraction towards him, he was just like her ex. Kind, sweet and complimenting her on any and all dates or places, even when she looked like a wreck. She knew how they played. (Let's not forget Jeremy cheating on Bonnie)

Jeremy smiled at her excitement, the way her smile reached her eyes and she jumped repeatedly like a child "So then kiss me." He placed his lips on top of hers and she slowly kissed him back as he slowly backed her away, against the tree.

"Ugh, get a room." Damon grimaces and the two pull away.

"Why does this keep happening?" Jeremy mumbled to himself but Annabelle heard and snickered.

"Hey, jingle bells." Damon nods towards Annabelle and she raised a brow at the nickname "The Originals are back in town and we're planning on grabbing one of them soon." He walked away.

Annabelle turned to Jeremy "Do you guys only have nine white oak stakes...?" She nonchalantly asked, leaning against the tree with her hair up in a low ponytail. She wore red shorts and a white tanktop with white visible socks and sneakers.

Jeremy didn't take thought into her question and he lined up the wooden ordinary stakes "No, we have six more." Jeremy truthfully answered "It's just hidden somewhere no one will find out." He shrugged.

"Really?" Annabelle raised a brow "And wheres that?" She asked.

The youngest Gilbert turned to her and wrapped his muscular arms around her waist, his nose touching hers "I'd rather talk about something else." He pressed his lips against hers.

"That's not talking." Annabelle pulled away from him and licked her lips "I feel like you guys don't trust me and unless you want my help, I need to feel like you guys trust me."

Jermey sighed in defeat with a nod "I'll show you it tomorrow, deal?" He asked.

Annabelle smiled in satisfaction, leaning up and pecking his lips "Deal."


Annabelle came 'home' late. It was 3 AM. She knew the Originals must've been asleep so she decided to check up on Kol before allowing herself to go to sleep. The brunette slipped off her jacket and hung it on the rack coat then began walking to the stairs, quietly going up.

Once she reached Kols room, she peeked her head in to hear soft snoring. She bit her bottom lip and stepped in, she tiptoed to his bed to see him sleeping lazily with empty blood bags scattered across the room. He was shirtless with the bedroom covers reaching his hips.

Kol was laying on his stomach, his back muscles and bones popping out and it looked slightly attractive. Annabelle shook her head and quietly turned on her heels until the soft snoring stopped making her pause then turn around to see Kol no longer on his bed.

When she turned around, Kol was in front of her making her gasp and he grabbed her neck harshly, slamming her against the wall then his hand dug in her chest, reaching for her heart.

"Kol..." Annabelle choked, coughing out blood as Kol mercilessly stared deeply into her eyes while she continued to cough out blood.

"To hell with you!" Kol yelled and got a grip of her heart.

The Originals awoke to the strong smell of blood and sped to Kols room to be met by the sight of Annabelle coughing out blood with Kols hand in her chest, ready to pull her heart out.

"Enough, Kol." Rebekah yelled but Kol didn't stop so he threw her off of her and Elijah grabbed Annabelle "Shes trying to help us for gods sake!"

(Notice how the tables have turned from when Rebekah first met Annabelle?)

Elijah kneeled by Annabelle and bit into his wrist, gently putting it to her lips and she desperately drank his blood, feeling herself heal. Kol suddenly got out of his rage and realized what he had done but he didn't show the guilt he held.

Annabelle stood up after sending Elijah a thankful and appreciative nod. She wiped her bloody lips and looked to Kol with a horrified expression. He had only made her fear him more. "The spell is undone, feel free to leave."

Kol frowned "Belle—" she walked out before he could continue.

(I have exams and so I might not post more chapters so I'll be trying to post two chapters today which is good considering I posted a chapter yesterday)

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