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ᴍɪssɪɴɢᴘᴀʀʀ 1ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 21

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ᴘᴀʀʀ 1
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 21

                         Annabelle and Caroline walked out to the field on the Mikaelson mansion. The blonde and Klaus had gotten closer both physically and in a relationship-ly. Annabelle didn't judge, she liked the blonde and Caroline didn't seem to blame her for Jeremy's death.

They decided to play baseball (after Annabelle had to convince Caroline to play baseball instead of volleyball). Annabelle had always loved the game. She wore black shorts and a red tank top under a two tone hoodie, grey and dark blue. It was larger than her size with her hair in a low loose ponytail.

"You throw the ball then hit it!" Annabelle explained, holding the baseball gloves in her hands as Caroline looked nervously between the baseball bag and Annabelle then bak to the bat.

"But I have like super strength! I might hurt you." Caroline's frowned and Annabelle gave her a look "Fine. Fine. But if you think it's too strong, just tell me to—"

"Just hit the ball, Caroline." Annabelle rolled her eyes and the blonde huffed then nodded. She grabbed a baseball then turned to the brunette, taking deep breaths.

Caroline threw the ball and Annabelle caught it without struggle, flashing a small smile to Caroline. The blonde smiled back, feeling confident that and they continued playing baseball, Caroline threw the ball and Annabelle caught it.

Kol groggily walked out and looked to Caroline, not sparing a glance at Annabelle and the brunette returned the favor, not bothering to look at him as she threw the baseball up then caught it repeatedly while he talked to Caroline.

"Klaus wants you." He waved off.

Caroline smiled and turned to Annabelle, opening her mouth to speak but Annabelle cut her to it "It's fine, you can go. I don't wanna hold you back..." she assured and the blonde didn't waste a moment to speed away and over to Klaus.

Kol picked up a bat and baseball making her raise a brow "Do you know how to aim? Do you even know how to use a bat?" She questioned, raising a brow.

"You can say I have experience." Kol winked with a smirk and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Do I even want to know?" She questioned.

"If it involves with beating Damon Salvatore up with a bat, I'm sure you do." Kol smirked and threw the baseball in the air before hitting it with the bat. Annabelle quickly jumped and caught it making his eyebrows raise up in surprise. "Not bad, darling."

Annabelle scoffed as she threw the ball back and he caught it gracefully "Not bad? I did great." She confidently smiled as Kol threw the ball and she caught it smoothly with a wide smile.


After Annabelle took a shower and got out of the shower and changed, she grabbed a blood bag and went to check on her older sister, Beatrice. She planned on getting rid of all sharp or wooden items in the room that day while Beatrice is unconscious from her neck being snapped.

Annabelle opened the door and peeked her head inside "Beatrice." She called out but here was no reply making her eyebrows furrow. "Beatrice...?" She repeated, her tone sounded more like a question.

Feeling worried it was to late, Annabelle reversed the spell and quickly entered to see its empty but then she got tackled to the ground. Beatrice was on top of her with a hiss. It was early in the morning so no one was awake yet but that was the last thing on Annabelles mind because she knew she was perfectly capable of handling a vampire.

Beatrice realized she was about to kill her sister then quickly sped away making Annabelle groan as she sat up. "Well that wasn't pretty." Katherine spoke from behind her and began walking forward "Are you that dumb or just naive?" She asked, stepping forward with her heels clicking.

"If you're going to torment me on wanting to help my family," Annabelle raised to her feet, looking at Katherine with an annoyed expression "Wait in line."

Katherine took the blood bag that Annabelle was going to give Beatrice "That's the difference between us, I don't wait. I snatch and take what I want. How do you think Kol slept with me?" She asked.

Annabelle rolled her eyes, walking out the room with Katherine behind her "I'm sure we have much more differences. And besides," she sighed "I don't want to sleep with Kol." She grumbled.

The doppelgänger stopped walking and Annabelle turned to face her with a raised brow "You really don't see it?" She chuckled "I guess you really are that dumb." Katherine walked past her.

Annabelle walked to the kitchen, got a map and knife. She wondered how many times she would have to cut herself and cure a locator spell. "Tell the rest I'll be home soon, I'm getting groceries." With that, she left the house and got in Kols car..

She drove away from the house then parked in a random area before looking down the map, she got the knife and pressed it on her index finger, blood slowly appeared and she watched as the blood dripped on the map.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem." Annabelle chanted with her eyes closed as the blood began to move: once she felt her energy draining, she opened her eyes to see Beatrice is in the Salvatore boarding house.

Annabelles eyes went wide and she immediately began driving, her heart hammering against her chest with many thoughts running through her mind. She felt panic rush through her as she went faster, she took her bottom lip between her teeth and made it to the Salvatore boarding house,

The brunette hurried out of the car and ran in the Salvatore boarding house to see Beatrice tied up, bloody with tears streaming down her cheek and Elena watching with a smile. She turned around to face Annabelle and her eyes lit up at the sight of the brunette.

"It's like a family funeral!" Elena laughed and grabbed a wooden stake.

"No!" Annabelle used her magic to make the stake fall in the fireplace then made Elena fly harshly against the wall.

Cliffhanger ;)

To be honest, Kol and Annabelle are inspired by Damon and Elenas relationship.

Because Damon screwed up many times but he also had some good-doings.

Also, I'm the type of girl who fawns over a fictional character when he pretends to hate the girl but if someone else hurts her, he'll just start killing people. Example, just like Kol "hates" Annabelle, let's pretend someone hurt her and he'll just go on crazy mode.

Does that make sense?

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