chapter eight

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Emily stood stuffing books into her locker when Max walked up behind her. "Hey Max. She smile turning, but it dropped when she saw the girls blank stare and blood dripping from her mouth. "Oh my god." She muttered. "Got you." Max cheered grinning. "Very funny Maxine."

"Okay so Halloween, what are your plans?" Max asked her. "Probably just hanging out with Nat and Brayson." Emily shrugged. "Okay, no your not. Party at Brodies and your coming." Max told her. "I can't cancel Max." Emily said. Max whined. "Just bring them with, I'm sure no one will mind." The blonde girl sighed smiling slightly. "Fine I'll pick you up."

She gave the younger girl a small wave before making her way to her friends. "Hey sluts, change of Halloween plans."

"So you don't just want to get wasted in my basement?" Brayson asked sarcastically. "Not really and we've got a party." She said. "Ooh, whose party? A senior?" Natalie grinned. "Not exactly. A bunch of sophomores, including your sister. But just hear me out..." She started at their faces. "We will basically be the coolest people there so we can basically do whatever we want." The blonde tried to convince. The couple exchanged glances. "Fine."

Emily left the house the day of Halloween beside Ginny. "You really decorated." The blonde commented moving to stand beside Max. "How was last night? You were asleep when I got home." Georgia said to Ginny ignoring the blonde. The girl bit her lip looking down to the ground.

"Tell us everything did they love you?" Max asked grabbing onto Emily's hand and giving her a small squeeze. "It was good." Ginny said not noticing the small action between her step-sister and best friend. "Good? Thats all we get?" Georgia commented. "What about you? Paul our new daddy?" Ginny said uncomfortable with the questions. Emily smiled as she was included.

Georgia smiled. "I like him." She told the girls. "You sure its a good idea to date your boss?" Emily asked. "I'm being very careful, OK? We didn't even kiss goodnight."

"Your doing well in the mayors office, we just don't want you to screw it up." Ginny told her.

"You girls ready to go face paint?" Georgia said as they approached the Halloween festival. "Max wanna join movie night?" The girls shook their heads. "We have a costume party." Emily told her. "You and Ginny together and costumes? Well go for it."

Emily sat with a slight smirk beside Max as they painted faces. The brunette sent a wink and on cue both girls opened their mouths letting the fake blood pour out. The kids sitting in front of them both screamed and ran away causing the girls burst into laughter before high-fiving.

"You are a psychopath and you got Emily involved?" Norah laughed. "Can't turn down a pretty girl." Emily smirked looking at the brunette.

"Oh your talking about me?" Natalie said sarcastically walking up to the group. "Of course I am." Emily fake flirted standing up from the table. She turned back to Max before she left. "See you tonight." She whispered in the girls ear, wiping away the rest of the fake blood on the girls chin. Max gulped staring into her eyes. "See ya." She choked out.

Natalie pulled her friend away from the group with wide eyes. "Okay, I'm straight and I have a boyfriend but that was so hot." She gushed. "You really like her."

Emily rolled her eyes as the pair climbed into Braysons' car. "Can we just figure out what our costumes are gonna be? The party's tonight and we got nothing." She changed the subject. "Ugh youre so boring." Natalie whined. "You'll live Nat."

"Okay so I got the best idea." Natalie finished pulling up a picture on her phone. Emily smiled as her friend handed back the phone. "Defintely."

The girls smiled proudly as they waited for Brayson to follow them to the door. "C'mon Bray, were totally hot." Emily called out to him. "I feel like a douche." He said coming our of the shadows. Emily shook her head as she looked over his muscled stomach and chest covered in fake tattoos. "Maybe a little douchey but hot douchey." Emily said looking back up. "Stop checking out my boyfriend and fix my wig please." Natalie giggled. Emily rolled her eyes before fixing the pigtails.

"Lets do this." Emily said opening the door. The trio made their way to the stairs where the music flooded from. Brayson stood between the girls, an arm around each girls shoulder. "Were here." Emily called out in a singsong voice causing the sophmores to turn to the trio.

Max watched over her crush with wide eyes. Following the the green vines the wrapped around her bare legs. "Emily you made it." She cheered running over to the girl, stumbling into her arms.

"You look great." Emily giggled at the girls drunk appearance. "Thanks." Max stood nervously between the sisters. "Let's do shots." Emily sighed pulling her arm away from Max. "I can't, you go." Max frowned slightly but still continued.

Emily groaned as she heard Ginny behind her. "Ditching her already?" Ginny sneered. "Can you not be a bitch for one night?" Emily glared. "Sorry I just want to protect my friend from your endless line of broken hearts." Ginny smirked at her. "Nice costume, white girl really fits your personality." Emily snapped walking back after Max. 

Her eyes found the girl taking a swig from a bottle. Before the girl could swallow Emily pressed her lips against hers. "You make a hot Brittney Spears." She told the girl, humming as the alcohol transferred into her mouth. "And you make a hot Poison Ivy." Max flirted back. Emily smiled and leaned back in for another kiss, loving the feeling of her lips and the taste of whiskey. 

She missed the numb feeling it gave her. If she just kissed the girl every time she drank it would come back and technically she wasn't breaking her promise.

"Emily." Brayson called out as he moved through the crowd. "Oh sorry." He said when he found the pair kissing. Emily pulled back from the younger girl with a smile. Brayson frowned when he saw the bottle of whiskey in Max's hand. "You've got to be kidding me." He muttered. "Were going home." He grabbed onto Emily pulling her away. "Dude." The both slurred.

"Em, you made promise you were gonna stop drinking and you do this?" He asked her sadly. His eyes trailed over to Max. "And you made her promise. What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped before pulling the girl out of the house. 

Finally published again sorry it took so long.
I promise Max and Emily will be fine but I love the drama

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