- Chapter One -

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Waking up in the morning after sleeping in Keigo's house was always amusing to the younger blonde. The way his mouth, which was usually pulled into a lazy grin, fell open and sucked in most of the worlds oxygen as he silently snored left Bakugou in hysterics. His arms and legs looked to be in a mangled mess as he rolled around unconciously when Bakugou gently got up off the bed, dodging the unknowing fluttering of his boyfriends red wings. By the time he got downstairs he was fully awake, always getting the right amount of sleep does things to a person, and he started on breakfast. Wether it be toast, a fry up, cereal, some random type of yoghurt, Keigo would eat it. One of the many small things he liked about the number two hero who he knew better than anyone else.

Around fifteen minutes to half an hour after bakugou got up, footsteps sounded upstairs which signalled the rising of his boyfriend. Keigo came stumbling down the stairs, still half asleep and barely dressed properly. His top would be all twisted and whatever he had on his bottom half, wether that be boxers or some type of sweatpants, would be hanging at a random angle, looking like he was dressed by a half asleep toddler. Bakugou, being the more grown up one in the relationship despite his age, handed Keigo a cup of coffee before fixing his clothes to look how they were supposed to. The sheer embarrassment Bakugou felt while looking at his boyfriend, half asleep and dressed like he had never seen clothes before, was enough to make him be the one to pick out Keigo's clothes in the morning. Growing up in a family full of fashion designers and models made Bakugou have a keen sense of fashion, and he knew for a fact, that Keigo did not. Though not all of Keigo's outfit choices were bad, he just preffered knowing that nobody would comment on the outfits his boyfriend wore in a negative way. You could call him paranoid, but it is the way he grew up. Keigo enjoyed not picking out his clothes, being a pro hero made it hard to be out in public without being judged, but when Katsuki picked his clothes, he felt safer and less insecure infront of people who looked at him. The winged boy was happy that the hothead looked out for him in the way he did.

The two would spend an hour or two eating and watching television, chatting and joking around until it was time to get ready. Keigo threw on the clothes which his boyfriend chose for him before running around, doing his hair for way too long, brushing his teeth, and grabbing everything he needed for the day ahead, before meeting Katsuki at the front door. Bakugou dressed in his school uniform, not even bothering with the tie, and quickly brushing his hair and teeth. After getting fully ready and meeting at the door, the couple shared their goodbyes, Keigo leaving to go to his own agency and begin his day of heroing, Bakugou leaving to head to school, a place which he both loved and loathed, but it was a place which nurtured him into being someone who saves people, just liked he always dreamed of.

Bakugou watched as Keigo left his own house, sighing lightly as he watched him soar high above the houses and wave behind him slightly as a second goodbye. He grabbed his bag from the ground before shutting Keigo's door behind him, walking towards his school with earphones in, which helped him ignore the onlookers and the noises of Japan. He walked past mothers and children, laughing and smiling as they walked to their destinations. Much to his distaste, he passed by an angry man who was shouting at someone on the phone, the sudden interference with his music irritated him, making him turn up the volume higher. He trudged his way through the gates of UA, he knew that people were confused as to why he hardly ever slept in his dorm, but he always felt safer with Keigo. The deal he made with Aizawa had helped him a ton, being allowed to leave the school grounds as long as he kept his location on at all times and texted Aizawa every now and then, gave him freedom to switch from staying in the dorms and visiting Keigo.

Pushing open the door harshly, Katsuki was met with the slight chilliness of the classroom which was filled with his classmates. He stomped over to the group of idiots that he would never call his friends out loud, grumbling under his breath about the temperature and how it effected his quirk.

"Bakubro's here!" Kirishima screetched, jumping up from his seat to welcome his best friend. Bakugou grumbled in return, not shoving his friends arm off from around his shoulders, but not making any indication that he didn't mind it being there.

"Kacchan!" Denki mimicked, grinning lazily from where he sloched in his seat. Mina bounced excitedly beside him, making Bakugou worry about how energetic people could be. They all made small talk, Bakugou insulting Sero because he looked like he had smoked too much weed this morning, Denki swooning with Mina about anything and everything that walked on two legs, Kirishima talked with jiro about art homework which Bakugou had already finished. The teacher, Aizawa, slid into the room catterpillar style in his bright yellow sleeping bag.

The class were told of todays events, nothing too thrilling was going to happen which made Bakugou slightly annoyed. It was times like this when he wondered why he couldn't just stay in bed with Keigo until the older got called in, being needed. The class grew quiet, listening to the teacher and his lesson while taking notes.

The day went smoothly, though Bakugou never realised the moment at the end of the day when Denki snuck into his bag and grabbed his phone, running away with it back to the dorms. He never really checked his phone often, unless it rang or he needed it for something, meaning he just left it in his bag for the majority of the time.

The angry blonde dragged his feet as he walked, going to the library to study for a while, not knowing what was happening back in the student dorms with his class.

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