Confusion (chapter five)

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Your pov

It was Saturday and I was round, Asuna's. We were hanging out in her room and I felt comfortable enough to talk with her instead of talking to her through sign language

Asuna: want to sleep round?

Me: I've got a better idea. Why don't we go camping?

Asuna: I don't have a camping tent

Me: I have one

Asuna: ok but where?

Me: the waterfall

Asuna: ok, let's go

We get up and Asuna started packing, while I went to my house. Once, I arrived I started packing

Half an hour later

We arrive at the waterfalls and I started setting the tent up. As soon as I was done, the sun was setting making the falls look even more amazing. I could tell Asuna was scared

Me: what's wrong?

Asuna: what if we get eaten by a bear? Or-

I cut her off with my hand on her mouth. Soon, I let her go

Me: you shouldn't worry, I've been camping here for a long time and I'm still alive

Asuna: I guess you're right

Me: let's get some rest

Asuna: ok

We enter the tent and I fell asleep

In dream land

I was in the place where Kazuto kidnapped me and I was tied to the same chair. Kazuto had a gun pointed to my head, as he shot me, Asuna jumped in front of me and got hit instead

Three am

I wake up and sat up with an almost yell. I saw Asuna sleeping next to me but her hand was on my lap. I look back at the sleeping girl and I could swear my heart skipped a beat

Brain: she looks cute wait what am I thinking

I shake my head and laid back down. I roll onto my side and fell asleep

Seven am

I wake up and saw Asuna missing. I go outside and saw Asuna sitting on a rock

Me: morning

Asuna: good morning. Did you sleep well?

Me: yeah, I did. What about you?

Asuna: I slept good

I sit next to her

Asuna: when should we head back?

I shrug

Couple of hours later

I was on Alfheim Online with Lisbeth. She was upgrading my sword in her shop

Lisbeth: almost done

I nod then bow

Lisbeth: you don't have to thank me. So, how was the night at with Asuna?

I write on my paper then I showed her. It read "how do you know about that?"

Lisbeth: I was walking in the forest this morning and saw you two playing in the water then I saw the tent

I write on my paper then I showed her. It read "why didn't you say hi?"

Lisbeth: didn't want to ruin your fun. Although, I have noticed something

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