Death (chapter six)

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Your pov

I hear a gun being fired, followed by  the man groaning. Suddenly, I get pulled off the man then the man gets up and points his gun at someone. I look behind and saw the police and Asuna, who was holding me back

Police1 demanded: put your gun down!

Asuna whispers: let's take you to the hospital

I shake my head then began to feel dizzy

I whisper: I need to know, he gets put in prison

A police woman comes up to us

Woman: you two need to leave

Before I could shake my head Asuna starts dragging me away. Once we were out of the alley, she stops dragging me

Asuna: let's take you to hospital

Me: no, I need-

Suddenly, everything goes black

Asuna's pov

I catch y/n as she faints. I grab my phone then I called the ambulance

Five hours later your pov

I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around and saw Asuna, Keiko and Rika. I sit up making them look at me

Keiko: are you ok

I quickly stand up

Rika: woah, you need rest

I shake my head then I was about to walk to the door but Asuna stops me

I sign: move

Asuna shakes her head

I sign: I need to see if he's in prison

Asuna: a police officer said he would come and tell you in person

I nod and sat back down

Keiko: how come you listen to her but not us?

Rika whispers something in her ear

Keiko: oohh. Makes sense

I tilt my head in confusion

Rika: so, are you two dating?

I felt my face heat up as I shake my head rapidly

Asuna: we are not dating

Rika: yet

I felt my face cool down so, I stop shaking my head, although it did hurt when Asuna said 'we are not dating.' A policeman enters, making us all look at him

Policeman: please, tell me you're the girl that got shot

I nod

Policeman: oh, thank god, anyway, I need all of you except her out

He points at me but soon stops

Asuna: why?

Policeman: only the people who were connected to the deaths of Mr and Mrs l/n

Everyone leaves except me and the policeman

Policeman: the man that killed your parents is called Xavier Fisterman. He is being put in the electric chair since he killed a lot more families. You may visit him on the day of his death day and that day is twenty-fifth of March at half past four

I nod with a smile

Policeman: I'll let you rest

He leaves as Asuna, Rika and Keiko enters

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