🖤Chapter Thirty-Six🖤

672 39 79

Word Count: 1109

"YOU STAY RIGHT OVER THERE, TOMMYINNIT." He summoned the crossbow again instead of the soulsand, and held it against my head. "Tommy,"


"... Do you think you're a hero?"

Tommy's P.O.V.

"Is that what this is?" Techno continued on, with the crossbow still to (Y/N)'s head. We needed to get her out of there, while stopping him from spawning the withers.

"I just wanted... I just wanted L'Manburg-" I started,

"You just wanted power."

"-That's all I've ever wanted. I didn't- I just wanted..." I stuttered, looking between the girl and Techno, "please just let go of-"

"Tommy, you just did a coup. You just did a hostile government takeover and then immediately instilled yourself as president." Techno sighed and lowered the bow. "And then you gave it to your friend, but that's still a tyrant, Tommy!But the thing about this world, Tommy... is that good things don't happen to heroes." He sighed, and put his bow away. (Y/N) scrambled up and crossed the small bridge that Techno built to lure her there, and turned to face the man.

"Let me tell you a story, Tommy, (Y/N)," he scanned the crowd, "L'Manbrug. A story of a man called Theseus. His country... well his city-state, technically, was in danger. And he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he slayed the minotaur, and saved his city. Do you know what they did to him? He died, in disgrace, despised by his people. That's what happens to heroes, Tommy, (Y/N)."

"But he saved everyone!" Tubbo said softly in confusion.

"The Greeks knew the score. But if you want to be a hero, Tommy, that's fine... That's fine." Techno shook his head.


"Don't do this, Techno, don't-" Philza chimed in as Techno got out the either skulls, Dream watching from far away.

"We're so close, I'm not the hero-" I started.

"If you want to be a hero, Tommy..."

Fundy spoke as a mutter from far away, "There's no fucking way, there's no fucking way..."

Uh..." Tubbo took a step back, ready to either fight or flight, whatever comes first to him.

"Do you want to be a hero, Tommy?!" he walked to the "T"s that the soulsand made, and started placing them down, "then die like one." He misplaced.

"..." The entire group stood quiet as Techno slowly panned from the skulls to us, then from us to the skulls, and destroyed the misplaced skull, then put it back. With that, the battle against the withers started.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Techno- Techno you don't have to do this!" I screamed across the crater before the withers started going. Well, before the explosions happened, stirring up the debris and dust, making us basically blind in the storm of dust.

"PHILZA- TUBBO- YOU GUYS WHERE THE FUCK-" Tommy grabbed onto my arm, the closest person to him, in order to not lose where I was. 

"Where the fuck is everyone-" I coughed, while Tommy pulled me away from where the withers stood. Climbing up the mountain where the button room stood under, was saw the mess that was once our home. Philza was in the air, trying to spot everyone and bring them to safety, while shooting the wither with the crossbow that Wilbur's corpse dropped. 

"PHIL!" Tommy shouted across the... well, country. 

"TOMMY?!" He turned to us, "I can't see anything down there!"


Phil nodded, and as he flew away, Niki made her way to the mountain as well, her eyes widening as she scanned across the city. "It's... all destroyed..."

"No-" Tommy turned to her, "It's not all destroyed yet, Niki! We just have to kill the withers!"

"LISTEN! THIS IS IT! WE NEED TO TAKE THEM DOWN!" I shouted down the hill, "TOGETHER AND NOW, EVERYONE!" I raised my bow, while Techno lit another row of TNT, "FIGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!" I shot another arrow towards the party Island as a wither migrated there. I grabbed Tommy's arm as I saw people going towards the island too. "Let's go!" I pulled him away, and Niki followed.

"Do you think I'm just going to let you kill the withers?!" Techno joined the resistance between us and the withers. After a while, we chiseled down the withers' health.

We stood on the boarder between DreamSMP and L'Manburg, looking it to the crater. We sat quietly, and surprisingly peacefully. "There will be no new government today."

"I guess not..." I muttered, wringing water out of my hair, since I got thrown into the water by an explotion by the withers.

"It'll be over my dead body." Techno added, and I nodded in understanding.

"Look around, (Y/N)." Tommy told me, and I looked up to the wooden path to the crater. "You're the president now."

"..." I sighed, "I feel like I'm about to be shot, don't say that."

"I disagree." Techno spoke up once again, "listen, I'm gonna kill everyone here, until there is no government." He raised his crossbow up, and I flinched, "am I understood?"

"Technoblade doesn't that kinda make you a tyrant?" I argued.

"A form of government." Tubbo added.

"The end justify the means." Techno debated. "By preventing a system of government. Preventing a fascist takeover, th- I wanna point out something, JSchlatt was lawfully elected. For all the stuff we say about him, at least he was elected."

The group stood silent, and I decided we should move on. "So- so Wilbur pressed the button, right?" I looked down. "PHIL- what happened in there I know we're were in a cal-"

"Wilbur... He pressed the button."

"That madman." Techno laughed, "he actually did it!"

"The agreement me and Wilbur had was that no matter what, literally no matter what happens, he would uh... Detonate the TNT. That was the agreement." Dream laughed, "and that's why I was fine with surrendering, I was fine with doing anything because... In the end... Chaos wins."

"... Wilbur... Was the traitor?" I muttered softly.

"You weren't there when I announced it, huh, yeah, it was Wilbur." Dream crossed his arms as the sun started going down. "This is... This start, Tommy, (Y/N), Tubbo, everyone. It might feel like the end, but this is literally just the beginning."

"This is like the beginning of a new era..." Tubbo added.

"JSchlatt's gone." Tommy nodded. "Now he's gone for good."



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