Robot Rage

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Part 8: Robot Rage


Wakko was balancing on top of the glossy purple manta ray, trying his hardest to not fall. Whenever he was about to fall off, it was Adrian or Preston who darted out of his hat and pushed him back in. He took a sharp turn, just like how his mind told him.

The gleaming goal was in the distance, calling Wakko over. He had turned gently for the smaller turns that were now behind him. He did it. He beat probably the most difficult star by far.

He had been teleported to an unfamilar, small sandy planet. With the proud-looking penguin waiting and a podium. Wakko could see the serpentine watery planet in the distance, he can't believe he just glided across that - it looked huge in this perspective!

The penguin grinned at Wakko with pleasure. "That's a great record, dude! 1 minute, 4 seconds and 39 milliseconds!" his grin got bigger when Wakko looked dazed, but honored at the same time. "A gold medal will placate ya, right bro?"

Wakko nodded in authorization, which made the penguin pull out the same golden star Wakko had seen many times before. The star flew up for a moment and stopped above the first place podium.

That's suitable.

Wakko walked to the second place podium and climbed atop of it to reach the star. Once he was on, he stepped up on the first place platform, and reached up and clutched the star in his grip. The star spun around him playfully as the others did, then stopped in his hand. It was time to go back.

The star flew him up, and he could see the penguin waving in the distance. Wakko waved back with his free arm and glided with the shiny star.


"THAT WAS AWESOME!!" Adrian cheered. "That is DEFINITELY my favori- oh, wait."

Wakko tilted his head when Adrian had stopped like that. "What?"

"That's not my favorite star, but my favorite is MUCH later in this journey."

Wakko gulped. He knew Adrian by now, he knew he was all up on dangerous things and action. If Adrian liked it, it was guaranteed to be difficult.

"In fact, it's 3 stars that are my favorite." Adrian smirked. Preston rolled his eyes in response. Adrian was his brother and all, of course he knew what he meant.

Wakko chose to not care but to speak to Brain for a couple minutes to see if he had any more information.

"Hey Brain?"

Brain quit thinking for a moment and turned his gaze from the ceiling to Wakko. "Greetings Wakko, do you demand something?"

Wakko shook his head. "Not anything specific, no. I was just wondering if you have any more information. Like, what do I do on the enemy base of this dome?"

"Oh, why yes. I realize I should indeed inform you about what you need to do." Brain began walking out of the dome and gestured for Wakko to follow him. Wakko had pursued Brain like he had asked, curious on what he was going to do.

Brain led him to the map of the observatory, and pulled out a pointer. He pointed to the dome on the map, and lowered the pointer down to a little blue circle with a star in the center.

"This is the galaxy you will be travelling to." Brain explained, to make what he was going to say more clear. "You need to get a bullet to shatter the cage with the launch star in it."

When Wakko nodded to confirm he was listening, Brain continued.

"Obviously, you will tour with the launch star onto the round metal planet you will assuredly land on. Then, an alien involved with the abduction of your siblings will appear. That alien will tell an enormous cyborg on that planet to brawl with you. You must clamber up the automation and force the bullets to follow you at the head, and break the metal cage. Afterwards, metal gates will form around the star cage, and it's more difficult from there."

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