Ships, Ships Everywhere

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Part 33: Ships, Ships Everywhere

He was ready.

After such a long dome, he was ready to move on.

He had already been inside the Kitchen Dome, the star had led him there before flying off. Wakko looked up to the floating Pull Star, and saw it waiting.

He smiled, and rose his arm upward towards the blue star and it grabbed him with the translucent ball, pulling him up.

He looked at the large mask figure - the color matching a raisin - with courage and abruptly reached out to it. It erupted a bright explosion, and he saw the figure of the mask again. This time, he felt less agitated than the last two times he saw it.

He nodded, and the Launch Star appeared faster than he could say 'monster'. He flew away from the Comet Observatory, determined to defeat one of these Atoks... or maybe Montana Max again, once and for all!


Once Wakko arrived, a whole army of airships and asteroids were in sight. He landed on a wooden bridge that was conveniently extending out of an airship, with nobody on it - except for a few octopus-like enemies.

Before taking them out with his handy-dandy mallet, he went off to the side and broke the brittle crystal holding starbits with ease. After grabbing each and every starbit, he finally defeated all four aliens and collected coins that appeared from them in the process.

Wakko placed a helmet over his head; but just tight enough for him to not damage his head or the star buddies.

He saw a hole, contouring into a square. Knowing there was a cannon in there that would take him to the next area, he hopped in.

The gingerbread-hued cannon emerged from the hole, and shot Wakko perfectly to a pole he could easily grab onto. He avoided the mines that were slowly spinning like a wheel as he rushed passed them, and grabbed onto the pole with no adroitness.

He slid down like a firefighter and noticed a Kamek waving it's wand, and two invincible enemies that could shoot lasers.

A fireball shot towards him and he walked to the side, avoiding it like it was nothing. The metal foes fired their lasers as he climbed the small stairway, however, all Wakko had to do was crawl under them. Simple.

He climbed into the cannon hole again before the Kamek could burn him with it's magic, and once more, the cannon shot him to another pole which circumvented three bullets that shot out of the following airship.

He grabbed onto the pole again, and slid down it again. This mission was nothing but iteration, was it?

Two large yellow caterpillars circled around the pole, minding their own business - which involved zilch harm.

Wakko shrugged his shoulders and continued on. Instead of grabbing every starbit he could on this ship, he wanted to waste no more time and get to the next portion of this squadron. The Wigglers hadn't been messing with him anyway, so why bother?

He crossed another ligneous bridge, but instead of going on another airship, he was atop of a floating raft with a blue lever in the middle of it.

Wakko pulled the lever to the right and somehow it changed colors, from blue to red. Suddenly, the raft started moving apace. Cannonballs shot out of nearby airships, and spiders dropped down to both block the center and observe the predicament.

The toon did a cartwheel to the side and dodged the arachnid. As the ground below him continued to move, the vessels shot out more cannonballs.

Luckily, he managed to dodge all of the obstacles, until three more spiders dropped down. With no hesitation, Wakko squished all three with his mallet and did a goofy grin in triumph.

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