Left Wanting

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            Outside everyone is taking photos with their tubes, and by everyone, I mean only the girls. The guys are shotgunning beers, and me Tori, and Elle seem to be sitting on the curb drinking whiteclaws. Liam made a make-shift sledding trail in the backyard of this house. Kev goes down first on his tube and completely flies off of his. I finish my whiteclaw and go to start hiking up, Liam comes with me.

"So would it be weird if I got with Katie?" he asks.

"Katie McClearan?" I ask.

"Ya, I don't know we vibed last night, and she seems pretty chill." He states.

"I haven't talked to her much, all I know her from is soccer. If you think she is chill then go for it!" I explain.

"You're right, alright imma do it."

With that he runs ahead of me and goes to Katie's side and tackles her onto her tube and they go sliding down. I envy Liam's confidence, he always asks me for advice but he has no issue on the execution. As I'm settling into my tube I feel a large push from behind me and of course it is from no other but Kieran. It sends me flying down the trail, but he of course didn't even look to see if anyone else was going so I collide with Kev.

"Shit! Low! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" He asks.

"Argh, um ya I just hit my wrist badly, but I'm fine!" I explain.

"I'll go get ice!" he says.

"And another whiteclaw!" I plead.

"Are you okay!?" Kieran shouts.

"Must you always be so loud?" I snarl.

"I'm serious." He cuts me off.

"Um, ya I am fine." His tone and seriousness take me by surprise.

"I am sorry Low I didn't see Kev." He explains.

His answer shocks me, it is just weird to see this side of Kieran.

"Ya no you're all good, it is fine." I assure him.

"Here!" Kev breaks the awkwardness with the ice.

"Thank you, and ah yes the whiteclaw!" I say.

"You good bro?" Kieran asks.

"Oh ya I'm chillin, ha I really flew." Kev explains.

"Alright good, I'm gunna head inside." Kieran walks off abruptly.

"What is his deal?" Kev asks me.

I just shrug. I really have no idea what that was about. Usually when something like that happens we all would just laugh it off, but Kieran is acting all butt-hurt about it. I said I was fine, I don't understand what is up with that boy. He confuses the shit out of me honestly.

"HOT TUB!" Elle yells.

After the hot tub, we all go inside for dinner; which we just ordered pizza tonight. Kieran is nowhere to be found, JUST LIKE MY PHONE! I am walking downstairs to change out of my bathing suit and shower when I see my phone underneath the steps! It must've fallen out when Kieran carried me down the steps last night. It's dead of course so I hook it up to charge and take a shower.

33 NEW Messages

Shit! 20 of them are from my mom. She is probably worried that I haven't replied. 10 are from my group chat with my girlfriends, and 3 are from an unknown number. I go an open the 3 messages.

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