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The stadium was in a roar of shouting and fireworks. The stadium was packed to the brim, people from all over the multiverse have gathered and those who couldn't make it viewed from screens at home. Every structure in the stadium was used for seating, pillars, lights, booths, there were even people with seating atop of speakers (ear plugs/muffs provided).

A large hum of glistening golden magic washing over the crowd making the excitement climb at a staggering speed. People leaning out of their seats to see the star stage in the centre, a tall figure standing proudly in the middle. Their clothes matching the yellow veins of ore layering the stage, but they shone brighter under the spotlights.

    "Good evening everyone!"

The crowd roared. They screamed. Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream!! Dream, the person on stage, smiled, the overwhelming positive flow making them stand a little taller and look a little brighter. He is a spirit of joy and desire, representing all positive feelings. Because of his connection to Ink he's become more multiverse-renowned and a highly respected member of the Gods Compass, even though he is only a spirit.

Dream's arms stretched out towards those who were in their direct view and their smile widened.

    "Welcome to the seventeenth biannual concordat celebration!" Another loud cheer rippled through the crowd. Dream raised his right hand to silence the crowd, "It's been thirty-four years since the concordat was signed, thirty-four years since a Multiversal ceasefire was established, thirty-four whole years since the split in universes has been mended."

Dream turned to his left slightly, looking at another sea of people, of smiling faces and teary eyes. He closed his sockets before continuing,

    "The Multiverse isn't fixed, it isn't perfect. But it's getting better! We've progressed into a safer society-" Dream reached his arms into the sky, turning again to his left, "for every-"


Immense plumes of smoke billowed from the centre stage and the crowd chattered in concern and fear. What was that? Where did it come from? Was Dream okay? Were they going to get refunds?

Dream hacked and coughed, even for a skeleton monster with no air ways this thick smoke clogged up his magic pores and the rapid shift from excitement to fear wasn't helping his emotion based magic. Golden tears built up in his eye sockets, he could feel a burning sensation tearing across his arm and something pressed up against his back. After the ringing subsided Dream collected himself, as best he could, his hands wouldn't stop shaking. He came to realise that the bang was an explosion.

He was about to assess the damage done to the civilians and the stage, hopefully the latter was the only thing affected. But he couldn't turn, the pressure against his back was a person. Someone was holding him. Their arm was charred and scarred, it sizzled and cracked. They were a skeleton monster that was easy to see, the lack of breathing and skeletal hands wrapping around Dream's torso gave that away.

    "Excuse me-"


Dream knew that noise, only one being could sound like that. Dream shifted his body to have a peek at the person, just to confirm his theory. The chipped black bones and sporadic boxes of primary colours slicing across their body. There was a faint static noise, like an old tv. Dream was right.


Not To Be Dramatic, I'd Rather Go Back To HomicideWhere stories live. Discover now