7. Oh Hey Nightmare

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Preparations for my meeting with Nightmare were completed so quickly and efficiently that the wait set everyone on edge, overthinking the approaching situation riddled everyone (including myself) with anxiety. Dream had made sure I was aware of Nightmare's rules and his ruthlessness, I was able to quickly catch onto the fact his brother enjoyed impaling people through the stomach and head. It puts a new perspective on Dream's past, everything I know about the Spirit makes a little more sense.

Ink is probably the only person who isn't affected by their surroundings, they are completely unfazed, which is not only annoying, but unsettling. I know Ink can't feel shit but, having them look at me, dead in the sockets and tell me I'm worrying over nothing makes the unease worse. Ink has always been a logical person - maybe not the smartest but they say that usually didn't matter in politics - knowing what to say to twist the argument, seeing through lies and combing through the inner workings of universes and SOULS to seek knowledge and truth (even if they may not remember it all). They've been completely disregarding my concerns about Nightmare, flatly telling me he would never do half the things I think he would. 'He's not me,' Ink said. It's like they know something more about Nightmare, like the two have a connection.

"Error?" Speak of the devil and they shall come. Sitting in my throne I look casually to my right to see Ink in theirs. They weren't there a few seconds ago but Ink's laying there like they have been for the past thirty minutes. "You've been here for hours glitchy, does it really take that long to log some complaints?"

No, it doesn't, I'm just stalling for time. After this I have to do patrols with the Trackers - I've been limited to two per patrol so they take longer - and... Valiant. Dream's closest guard, Valiant. The guy who flipped me onto my front and handcuffed me to a blaster that one time, Valiant. I'd rather not risk meeting Nightmare or his goons head on, accompanied by the monster equivalent of a very bouncy medicine ball with a license to incinerate a monster on sight.

Recently there have been reports of fear mongering and mass destruction across universes, the rapid influx made Dream incapable of working. He describes the onslaught of negativity like a fog, it clogs the senses and sticks to your body, making you heavy and lethargic. This has left him bedridden in my AntiVoid along with his two leftover guards. They're trying everything they can to bring Dream back to full speed.

"Ignoring me doesn't work, Glitchy, you know that." Ink is leaning over the arms of our chairs again, now tugging at my sleeve. I growl and smack them away, "Oh c'mon! Error!"

I've decided the chance of a frightening and possibly blood splattered meeting with Nightmare is better than one more second with Ink. I open a portal and shake the god off. They huff and slump over both our thrones dramatically.

"You're finally gonna see him, huh?"

"W-W-W-WE dOn't knOw whEn NIghtmArE wIl-l-l-ll Ap-p-p-ppEAr, dUmbAs-s-ss."

"It's been four days since you got the message, right?"


"Then you'll meet him today." I pause and chills claw through my body, running over my SOUL. It sounds so casual but... How does Ink know this? Nightmare's own men had no idea when Nightmare would show himself, so- "If I know a thing or two about Nightmare, and I'm pretty sure I do, he's impatient and punctual. If his loonies say 3 days to a week he's probably annoyed at waiting by now, he'll definitely confront you today, or early tomorrow."

The chills lingered along my spine, but what Ink said made sense. Dream also told me Nightmare has been incredibly impatient since they were kids. One time, going so far as to use extensive amounts of magic on plants to make them grow faster.

Not To Be Dramatic, I'd Rather Go Back To HomicideWhere stories live. Discover now