Chapter 1

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Hi guys! so I was bored today and had nothing to do so I decided to write the first chap of this fic with a friend of mine,
the chapter is kinda short sorry, anyway hope you like the chap!

Rashta sighed as she entered her living quarters, she was completely worn out, she worked the whole day, only taking breaks for lunchtime, she then worked until nightfall, she couldn't stop or else she would be whipped again. her back still hurt from the whipping she got last week.

She sat on her 'bed', which was a collection of straw and old rags, Rashta shivered from the cold as she laid down and pulled the old dirty blanked over her.'I wish I wasn't a slave...' she shivered again when another blast of cold air hit her. ' C-Cold..' tears build up in the corner of her eyes as she silently wept, not wanting to wake up the other slaves.

"I have to...get out of h-here..." she barely finished her sentence as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, tears running down her cheeks.

Dream time~!

Rashta blinked as she looked around. "Huh? this isn't my quarters, what is this place?"

She looked at her surrounding, the strange room she was in was rather small,  everything was blurry, she walked around, the room was familiar for some reason.

" Haha!" she heard someone laugh.

"Huh?"Rashta looked around, she saw a girl, but she can't see her face.

The girl was also familiar, but she couldn't place her finger on it. "Henry is such a flirt~!"

She wondered. 'Who's henry?' she thought as the girl chuckled. "He is too cute." Rashta was about to look when suddenly the girl turned to her. "Hey, you!"

Rashta blinked."M-Me..?"

The girl nodded."Yes you, wake up."



Rashta shot up, she looked towards the door, it was the head house-maid, the woman did not even bother to hide her utter disgust as she glared at them. "Get up!"

"Yes!" rashta and the other slave immediately got up, the small girl yawned, she hated it, but she couldn't do anything about it.

She remembered the dream. 'What a strange dream...'

"Eat breakfast, then go do your chores!"The woman ordered before leaving.

The 8-year-old girl yawned and rubbed her eyes.'Why must I suffer?' all the slaves walked out of their living quarters. Rashta's stomach rumbled as she sat down.

The other slaves prepared breakfast, bread and gruel, Rashta looked at the food and sighed, she mostly ate the bread.

That was the only thing she ate every. single. day, she mostly gave her gruel to the dogs, she'll honestly rather starve than eat the gruel, the first time she tried it, it was like tasting mold, she almost vomited that day.

The head house-maid didn't care, she just scowled at her and told her to be grateful that she's even given food.

And even the bread they give them was old and almost impossible to chew, but it was the only edible thing so she had to endure, plus she could save it and it would get softer later at night.

Rashta sighed as she grabbed the bread and took a small bite, she grimaced, it was hard, she almost broke her teeth. But it looks like she'll have to skip again.'This bread is really hard to chew...I'll just have to skip.'

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