Chapter 2

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Hi everyone, here the chap like I promised, sorry it's short.
Anywho, hope you enjoy! (◕ᴗ◕✿)


Rashta jumped as ice cold water was thrown on her  face, blinking the sleep from her eyes. , "Up!" A voice yelled as Rashta shoot up in her bed and looked over the door and saw the head maid with an empty bucket in her hands, and by the looks of it, she didn’t even bother to use clean water.“Get up you stupid girl!” 

 The woman said, throwing more water onto Rashta who yelped  and fell off the bed. “Go get ready,” She continued, looking at her in disgust.
Shaking her head, Rashta tried to calm down her racing heart. This had been the fifth time this week and everytime the women woke her up this way.
Rashta stood up, dirty water dripping down her body. She ran a hand through her silver hair, pushing them out of her face, 

The woman throw the bucket on the floor and put her hands on her hips."you have many chores to do today hurry up."

Rashta hated her so much."Right away ma'am." she muttered  under her breath. "Come see me after your done cleaning," She said and left the room, leaving Rashta alone with nothing but the bucket, she sighed and went off to do  daily chores.


After scrubbing the floors and changing the sheets, Rashta finally finished cleaning the master's room.
She did thought of killing the head maid sometimes, and she wasn't the only one who   had such thoughts, almost every slave wanted to murder that horrible woman,but it was a risky idea and it was not gonna be easy, they were too weak and have no weapons.

but...she did find some apple seeds to crush, her mother told her that if you crush many apple seeds together, it’ll be like powdered cyanide.
So one day she collected all  the apple seeds she could find  and started crushing all the seeds together.

It took awhile for the ground to be completely covered in crushed seeds, making sure there aren’t any seeds that are too big, she hide them under her pillow before going back to work, waiting for the  opportunity to use them. She wiped her brows with the back of her hand. Rashta sighed, tired and sweaty. Her stomach growled, she was starving.

Rashta heard someone open the door which made her look at who it is.
It was the maid, she walked in and closed the door behind her.“You done? It was a long time ago." she said crossing her arms

"Yes, I finished." she replied standing up straight.

“Good. You're dismissed."
Rashta nodded and quickly exited the room.

After running all the way back, Rashta entered her quarters and flopped onto the bed.

She let out a groan as she turned and grabbed her pillow, laying on her side and hugging it tightly.
her stomach growled  again and once she felt like it wasn't going to erupt, she decided to go get food since she hasn't eaten anything for two days now.
Rashta pulled herself up and headed towards the kitchen, carefully not making a sound  as the halls were silent.

Once she reached the kitchens, Rashta noticed the door to the pantry was slightly ajar and she pushed it open slowly, peering inside. 

Her eyes widened when she spotted a whole pile of apples, her mouth watered just looking at them and Rashta's hunger came rushing back in full force.

Slowly she opened the door wider and stepped forward and peered inside.
There were plenty of apples, some fresh, some ripened but still ripe enough to eat.
Rashta gulped, they won't notice if a few apples were messing, right? 

she stepped into the pantry quietly closing the door behind her.

Rashta made her way towards one of the piles of apples with caution, she grabbed the nearest apple and took a large bite.
She chewed and swallowed.

Rashta began crunching away happily. the apple were  juicy and sweet yet still tasted good, she couldn't wait to devour it until she can no longer feel her stomach.

 her eyes wondered around the pantry  for something else to snack on but she found nothing else, until something caught her eyes. A jar of honey! 

The jar had a gold lid, the sides were decorated with golden designs, on top of it were cute little flowers. Suddenly Rashta's mouth watered again and her belly began growling.
she smiled to herself, knowing what she was going to do next.

there was only a small little problem, the jar was on top  of a shelf and she couldn’t reach it,
but she didn’t think about this because there was a huge stack of plates nearby and she knew the best thing to do was climb on top of them and grab the jar.
Rashta bit her lip before deciding to risk it. She hopped on top of the plates and tried to reach for the jar, before her foot slipped a plate and she slipped.

Her hand grabbed on to the edge of the dish rack and her fingers barely wrapped around it. Her eyes widen at her sudden action,she let out a high pitched scream as she lost her balance and slipped off the table, falling onto the floor and hitting her head hard on the tile floor.
The pain hit her and she cried out, clutching her throbbing forehead as the blood seeped from her scalp. 

All she could hear was the clattering sounds of plates falling and breaking as she slowly lost her  consciousness. The last thing she saw was a pair of green eyes  staring back at her in shock and horror.

Sorry this chap is super short, Im super busy those days (and I procrastinate a lot so..)
I hope you enjoyed the chap, please vote/comment.
😊 thanks, have a nice day everyone!

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