⟶ hide and seek · [georgenotfound]

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She's not losing after her 10 year win streak.

"Where are you?" Y/n shouts to her best friend, George. "wherever you are, I'm going to find you!" Y/n never loses hide and seek. That's why it's her favourite. Even thought George never won, it was still his favourite too.

George and Y/n have been best friends since George moved into the house next to Y/n. George was 7 and Y/n was 6. George was a shy kid, who liked to keep to himself. Whereas, Y/n was a wildcard, you never know what she's up to.

Ever since George moved in, Y/n would go to his house everyday to see him. 4:05pm everyday. He'd always be the one to answer the door. When he opened the door, Y/n would bombard him with words and little gifts. Hey George. wanna talk today? Georgeeeee? were just some things she'd say to him. But he'd never respond. No words, no smile, nothing. Y/n has honestly never heard him talk, not even to his family. He never spoke to her. At this point, that thought George didn't have a voice.

That all changed one day when Y/n knocked at the usual 4:05pm. To Y/n's surprise, it was George's mom, "Hi, is George around?" She looked rapidly around George's mom, "He's upstairs go ahead," she gave Y/n a wide smile, "thank you!!" Y/n ran up the stairs and started searching for his room. Finally she found it. "Hi George!!!" George was sat on his bed reading a comic. "Georgeeeeeee," the young girl jumped onto his bed, "is that the comic I gave you?" she put her head on his shoulder, trying to peek at the comic before he rudely pulled it away. "George!" He continued to ignore her. She sat in front of George and stared at him. "why do you never talk to me?" "are you ok?" "George?" Suddenly George jumped up, "no im not ok. can you just leave? you know why I never talk to you? It's because you're so annoying. I don't want to be friends. So stop being a such pest and just leave me alone!" Y/n shied away, "so you do talk." she aggressively gets off his bed, "im sorry for being annoying. ill leave you alone from now on." with that she left.

Once she had left, George calmed down and started to feel bad. He knew how much Y/n liked him, she'll come back. he thought. But days passed and she didn't knock, she didn't even leave notes on the porch anymore. George thought about what he said and wanted to apologize but he didn't want to face her, as he was embarrassed. So, he wrote her a letter.

Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didnt mean to. I just don't like it when people touch my stuff and invade my space. I'm sorry for calling you annoying. Knock on my door again?

it was true, George wanted Y/n to knock on his door again. He liked when Y/n would bother him. but he'd never admit it.

George went over and placed the note in the mail box hoping someone would bring it in. The next day, George sat in front of the clock staring at the time, waiting for 4:05pm. At last, it was 4:05pm and Y/n had not knocked on the door. As George started to head upstairs, there was a knock. He quickly ran to the door and opened it. "Sorry I'm late," Y/n smiled widely and hugged George. Every since then, they were inseparable. They did everything together.

George and Y/n were in every class together, that was until high school. Since high school was split into 8 subjects, they didn't have all their classes together. Which meant they wouldn't be spending every second of the day together anymore. This also meant George and Y/n would have to make new friends. Surprisingly enough, George made many new friends and quickly. However, they were bad influences on George. Y/n's warned George about them, but he didn't listen. And even though, they didn't hang out everyday, they were still each others best friends.

No one could ever replace Y/n's spot as George's best friend and no one could ever replace George's spot as Y/n's best friend. They were the only people to truly understand each other.

Since George and Y/n didn't hang out together everyday, she didn't know what George was doing. He'd always hang out with his other friends, she never knew what they were doing. She was always protective of George. she'd beat up anyone who made fun of George, and since they hung out every second of the day she knew what was happening in his life. Now, she doesn't. She cant protective him even if she wanted to. But, even though she wouldn't see George everyday, she'd still hear from him. He'd message her at exactly 12:12am to tell her he was safe. 12:12 because that was the day Y/n and George became friends, December 12.

However, on September 19th of 2018 he didn't message her at 12:12am. That night she stared at her phone waiting for a message. She texted him, no reply. She tried calling him, no one picked up. She was going crazy. She jumped out of bed and headed to George's house. She picked up the spare key and quietly opened the door. It was quiet at his house, everyone was asleep. She tiptoed up to George's room hoping to see him asleep, but he wasn't. "Hey George, where are you? I'm going to sit in your room till you come back. Make sure you come back soon or give me a call, if not ill touch all your stuff." she sent him a voicemail and tucked herself under his sheets. Where is he? she thought.

She frantically woke up, realizing she had passed out and George was not back. She jumped out of his bed and ran to his parents room. They weren't there. She started running downstairs but froze in her tracks when she saw the police in the family room. She made eye contact with George's mom, she was crying. "what happened?" Y/n ran over to the family room. "George... he- he-" "he what?" Y/n shouted. "he's gone?" Y/n's heart sank, "what do you mean he's gone?" Y/n says and the police officer starts, "he left a note," Y/n grabbed the note out of his hand.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry. I didn't want to but I had no choice. I love you guys, stay safe. Keep y/n safe for me, tell her I love her.

Y/n started laughing and shaking her head, "where did he go?" A different police officer speaks up, "we think he's passed." Y/n drops the note shaking her head, "no, no he's not."

She runs back up to George's room. "how could you leave me?" sobs left her mouth. She didn't believe he was dead. She hysterically searched his room for anything, but nothing. She goes into his closet and grabs his favourite hoodie and puts it on, remembering all the times he'd wear that hoodie. "why you leave me?" she pulls the hood up and puts her hands in the pockets, trying to feel his embrace. But she feels a piece of paper instead. She pulls it out and unfolds it,

The 12th of December was when I met y/n, my best friend. The lines and words, with many letters, she spoke almost had meaning to them, but I forgot she was dumb.
But it was ok; fine.
Lively, witty, needy are three terms to express her nature during the day.
Very childish, emotional, deep describe my love. I love you, pest.

He wouldn't write this for no reason, she thought. An awful poem, he'd never. Y/n studied the paper.
12th, word, letter, line. 12th letter of words each line.

But it was ok; fine.
Lively, witty, needy are three terms to express her nature during the day.
Very childish, emotional, deep describe my love. I love you, pest.
I need help

"I knew you were alive," Y/n smiles to herself.

"Where are you?" Y/n says, "wherever you are, I'm going to find you!" This was just another game of hide and seek, and Y/n never loses hide and seek.

This isn't my typical writing style or genre so I'm sorry if it's not that good. But I liked writing it and I'm kinda proud of it }:) I hope you enjoyed reading :DD see you in the next imagine

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