⟶ unexpected surprise 2 · [sapnap]

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Part 2...

Your POV
Summer break quickly approached and Armstrong barely tries to talk to me now. I'd catch occasional glances from him once in while. And I still got butterflies, its been months, and I still can't get my heart to stop fluttering every time I saw him. Fuck.

Now, I'm not a big party person. But my friend, Maia, convinced me to go to the end of the year bonfire.

It was the night of the bonfire. It started at 8pm.
So, I start to get ready at 7:30pm.

I was sitting on my bed waiting when I hear a honk,

I look out my window to see, Maia, in a topless convertible. I quickly run outside and greet her.


And with that, she starts to drive to the beach.

By the time we get there, the beach was already crowded with people.

"Isn't that, George?"
I nudge her and she looks at me with wide eyes,
"Go to him,"
I let her leave, and I walk around awkwardly.

And there he was, Armstrong. We make eye contact but I quickly look to the ground and walk away.

"Ouch, are you okay?"
I bump into someone and they catch me,

"I'm sorry,"
I look up,

"It's ok,"
It was Clay, Nick's enemy since middle school.

"I should really get going, sorry again,"
I quickly walk off.

I sit by the fire with a red solo cup in hand, occasionally taking sips.

Suddenly, I feel a presence beside me. I look over.

"Are you serious?"
"You and Clay?"
I start to get up but he immediately pulls me back down.

"What is your problem?"
I say,

"My problem? You're going around hanging with assholes,"
"And. you're drinking, you don't drink,"
He takes the red cup out of my hand,

"It's fruit punch, asshole,"
I start to get up again, and this time he lets me walk off a bit but he eventually catches up and grabs my hand,

"Just let go, Armstrong. I don't want to talk to you,"


"You heard her, Armstrong, she doesn't want to talk to you,"
Clay wraps an arm around my shoulder,
"Let's go,"
Clay and I start to walk,

"Are you seriously going to leave with him?"
I stop for moment to think. And I end up walking away. But before I leave, I look back and see Armstrong's face. His jaw clenched, but his eyes gloomy.

We get to Clay's car,

"If Nick ever bothers you again, just call me, ok?"
I smile and nod.
"A few of my friends are gathering at my house for a little gathering. Want to join?"

"I really shouldn't. I have to drive my friend home,"

"Maia, right?"
I nod again,

"Don't worry about her, she's coming too,"

"I guess I'll go then,"
I hesitantly say.

The whole car ride I couldn't help but think about, Nick. Was I betraying him? No, no, he betrayed me first. He did it first.

We get to Clay's house and there was already a small crowd in his backyard. I immediately spot Maia, with George's arm around her. I quickly gave her that look and a thumbs up. Iykyk.

The room was filled with laughter and chatter. I sat in a circle with Clay, George, Maia, and a few other people. We were chatting, when someone barges in.

"Who invited him?"
It was safe to say, no one in Clay's friend group liked Nick very much.

"What the hell are you doing here, Armstrong?"
Clay gets up and says.

But Nick stays silent and starts to walk over to me.
He grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"I'm taking you home,"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Armstrong?"
Maia speaks up and gives me a look,

"Let's go, it's late,"
He says and ignores Maia's question,

I mentally kick myself for the stupid decision I'm about to make. And I start to walk outside with Nick.

Clay follows us outside,

"Let her go, asshole,"
Nick let's go of my hand and pushes me behind him.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, let go of her asshole, she doesn't want you,"
Nick slowly walks up to Clay.

"Say that again,"

"She. Doesn't. Want. You."
Nick starts to walk away,

Clay quickly adds and Nick quickly turns around to punch Clay in the face.

"What the hell, Nick,"
I shout. But he just looks at me biting the inside of his lip.

The car ride to my house was silent. Wtf.

We get to my house. Nick gets out and walks me half way before he starts to talk,

"I'm sorry,"
He stops walking and says,
"But, you shouldn't be with an asshole like that"
I take a deep breathe in.

"and how do you know he's an asshole?"

"I just do, he wouldn't treat you right,"

"and who would treat me right? you?"
"we've been there and it didn't go well,"
I start to walk away,

"You're right, it didn't go well. It was just a stupid game. But in the end, I didn't even win the game.
I lost. I lost the girl that I love."
My heart stops.
"My feelings for you are real. those were never fake."

I look back at him and see real pain in his eyes, I've never seen him this hurt before. Even when his parents got a divorce, he didn't look this sad.

"Now if you want to leave, you can,"

"I'll see you later, Y/l/n"
He gives you a slight smile and starts to walk back to his car.

"Hey, Armstrong"
He turn around and stare for second before I run up to him and jump into his arms,

"I missed you,"

"I missed you too, Nick,"
Honestly, what a toxic relationship. But I am here for it 😗😗
Sorry for all the notifications I gave you from the editing.
Anyways, please give this a vote if you liked it :)))
Ok byeee.

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