⟶ doxxed · [dream]

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This ones a long one.

Thanks for helping me get through that.

Clay's POV
I drive to Nick's house, as we are suppose to hang out today.
"Nick's not home,"
A voice say as they try to close the door,

"I know, he told me to wait in his room,"
I put my hand on the door.

I don't know why, but ever since Nick and I have been friends Y/n just never seemed to liked me. And since she didn't like me, I didn't like her back.

She rolls her eyes and moves to the side. I walk in and she gives me a death stare. So naturally, I give it back.

She closes the front door and walks upstairs as I trail behind her. We part ways and I walk into Nick's room and sit at his desk.

I open Nick's computer and troll on Minecraft account, when suddenly my phone starts blowing up. I grab my phone and look at the messages. Several messages telling me to search #dream on Twitter.

So, I open Twitter and search #Dream. I scroll through the hashtag, nothing too bad. But then I scroll to an account called "doxxingdream". I go onto the account and scroll through the tweets. Dozens of tweets trying to expose me.

I try to stay calm as I try to call my mom but she doesn't pick up.
"Please pick up," I call her a couple more times.
My heart starts to race and my head starts to spin. I grasp my chest as I struggle to breath. I feel the room closing in on me.

"Nick's on his way home, so sit-"
"Are you ok?"
I faintly hear.

Your POV
I walk to Nick's room.
"Nick's on his way home, so sit-"
I notice Clay shaking and grasping onto his chest,
"Are you ok?"
I rush over to him,
I kneel and look up at him,
"Hey, It's going to be ok,"
I hold onto his hands, I start to mentally freak out.
What do I do? Wtf. Ok, ok, ok. Hahaha it's fine he just needs to breathe. I can help him breathe. Can i? I can barely breathe. No shut up, he needs you right now. Pull yourself together. (Convos w/ yourself>)
"Hey, it's ok. Just Breathe. Follow me,"
"Breathe in... hold it... breathe out. Good, let's go it again. Breathe in... breathe out,"
The room was filled with the sound of us breathing. I start to move my thumbs across the top of his hands and his breathing starts to slow down.
"It's going to be ok, I'm right here,"

"I'm home,"
"Where's Clay?"
I stay quiet not wanting to startle Clay.
I hear Nick run up the stairs. He runs into the room and kneels down next to me.

"Hey buddy, I'm here,"
He reassures him and Clay nods.

"You can go now,"
Nick says. I slowly get up and walk away.
I get into my room and sit on my bed.
Big, tough guy Clay, slowly turned into a small, scared boy. I sit on my bed and think for a while before going live on Twitch.

An hour passes by, Nick and Clay go out.
I log onto the Dream SMP then I get a donation.

Mydixlongs donated $4.20
"Did you see what was going down on Twitter?"

I furrow my eyebrows.
"No I did not see what was going down on Twitter,"
"Can someone fill me in?"
I wait a few seconds before my chat starts flooding with the news. I start to read them,

Dream got doxxed
Someone tried to dox Dream

Things finally start to click. So that's why he had a panic attack. At this point, I'm heated. No one deserved to be doxxed, least of all Clay.

"Ok, I'm just going to pop off right now,"
"Whoever tried to dox Dream needs to get a life. Dream's mentioned many times, in the past, how much this affects his life. I'm just so curious as to why you would feel the need to leak someone's personal information." I take a breathe in before talking again,
"If you're doxxing Dream, or anyone for that matter, learn what respect is or get off social media. It's not that hard to respect someone's privacy."
"Maybe if you had a little more brain cells, you'd understand how much doxxing can negatively affect someone's life."
I turn off my camera and let out a heavy breath.
"I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, but I'm going to end the stream here. I'll see you guys soon, bye."
I end the stream and go on Twitter.

"Have some decency."
I tweet out.

Clay's POV
I finally get home after spending the rest of the day with Nick. I get into bed and close my eyes. I try to sleep but all I could think of was my eventful day. I've never seen y/n be so gentle, I always thought she was a heartless witch. Oh well, guess she's not.

My mind was occupied the whole night, unfortunately by y/n. I tossed and turned the rest of the night.

At last it was the morning. I head downstairs to be greeted by my family.
"How are you today?"
My mom asks,
"Good, thanks,"
I reply before grabbing a plate. I take my plate and walk over to the island, sitting next to Drista.
"Are you ok?"
She asks and I nod.
"Did you watch y/n's stream last night?"
I shook my head as I put food into my mouth.
"You should watch it,"
"How long was it?"
"I don't know, just watch the end,"
"Maybe later,"
She looks at me with a weird expression and shrugs.

I finish my breakfast and go back to my room. I sit on my bed for a second before remembering I needed to watch y/n's stream. I log onto Twitch and click on her most recent VOD. I skip to the near end,
"Negatively affects someone's life,"
I hear that and go backwards till I get to the beginning of that segment. I watch the rest of the VOD and immediately get into my car.

I drive to Nick's house and just as I'm about to knock on the door, it opens,
"What are you doing here? I have school, dude,"
"Good thing I'm not here to see you,"
"Who else is your friend here?"
Nick looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hey, how are you?"
I look behind Nick and see y/n,
"Apparently her,"
I nod,
"Since when?"
"Just shut up and go to school,"
"Please, dude, that's my sister,"
"Oh shut up and go,"
Nick squints his eyes at me,
"Watch yourself, Clay,"
He says as he leaves. Y/n still standing at the top of the stairs.
"Can I come in?"
"I guess,"
We make our way to the living room.
"I just wanted to say thanks,"
She looks at me confused,
"For what?"
"For several things. First of all, thanks for helping me calm down yesterday. Second, thank you for standing up for me on your stream."
"Ok, first of all, I did what anyone would've done in that situation. Second of all, I was standing up on behalf of everyone who's gotten doxxed. Don't think you're special,"
I roll my eyes at her and cross my arms,
"What is wrong with you?"
"Why do you hate me so much? I just wanted to thank you for helping me and you just have to reply like that?"
We make eye contact and she's stares at me intensely.
"I don't hate you and you're welcome. And now that you've said everything that was on your mind, you can go."
Liar. But I just nod and start walking out the door, knowing I wasn't going to get anything else out of her.

I hate him? Actually quite the opposite of that. I like him. It's just I can't actually "like him" because he's my brother's best friend. So, I just act cold to block out the feelings, you know?

I watch as Clay makes his way to the door,
"By the way, it only seems like I hate you cause you don't me yet,"
He turns around,
He smirks before walking out the door.

Oh hey! Sorry for not updating for so long :(( I just didnt have motivation, but I'm working on it and hopefully I'll update more :))
Anyways, this one was kinda hard to write and kinda cringey but I hope you enjoyed reading it

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