Chapter 2- tanjiro's talking to himself?and final selection preparation

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Caesar POV

I was training for a few months to prepare for final selection, i already succeeded cutting the boulder in half but, I'm worried that tanjiro might not be able to slice the boulder in half.
Then i went to try to comfort him, but then i saw tanjiro talking and fighting with himself? Did he went insane? I'll go check on him.

Caesar: Buongiorno, Tanjiro!
Tanjiro: h-huh, Caesar? What are you doing here?
Caesar: can't i be here?
Tanjiro: i mean, you can, but didn't you already have finished the training?
Caesar: im just checking on you, old friend.
Tanjiro: i see, what do you need?
Caesar: well, i was checking up on you, and saw you talking to yourself?
Tanjiro: uhhhhhhhhh
Caesar: and you are getting knocked out by something.
Tanjiro: o-oh, i was just imagining fighting someone so it would be uhhh less akward?
Caesar: hmmm, ok then, i will take my leave, Ciao!
Tanjiro: uhh, what? Oh right, i forgot you're an italian
Caesar: riiiight.

Tanjiro POV

Tanjiro: phew, that was close. You can come out now.
Then 2 figures with a fox mask came out of the woods. One with a fox mask with scar and the other have a flower pattern.
???🌺: is he gone?
???: I belived so
Tanjiro: Sabito, Makomo why are you hiding from him, he is a nice guy?
Sabito: we only wish to be seen by you, he already done his training, so theres no point training him.
Makomo: yeah, what he said.
* Then the two start to teach me the basics of total concentration breathing and how to activate it*
Tanjiro: 'this is my last attempt! I have to win this!'
Sabito: this will be our last spar, do your best and beat me.
Tanjiro: *smell the movement! I know where to cut it* I-I did it!
Sabito: *smiles* congratulations, you finally beat me.
Tanjiro: i did it! I actually did it!
Makomo: now do your best at the final selection!
She then was cut off by someone in The distance.
???: Yo, Tanjiro! You did it!
Tanjiro: Caesar? Mr Urokodaki?

Caesar POV

Caesar: its been awhile!
Tanjiro: yeah, ut has been awhile since i last saw you.
Urokodaki: congratations, i didn't think you would be able to cut the boulder, you now have permission to go to the final selection.
Tanjiro: oh i wante- ' he then turned around to see noone was there'
Caesar: huh?
Tanjiro: nevermind.
Caesar: ok then.

to be continued

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