Where Happiness Truly Lies

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River huffed annoyance as the therapist blabbed. She blinking lazily before stared out the window as light snowflakes fell.

"Charlie says you had another episode last night."

Dream Before

Suddenly a cold wind blew and River was caught in that blizzard. Surprisingly it didn't bother that much her.

She saw the small island with tree. She shook her head in denial. River looked around but saw nothing but the island. She frowned at it and started walking the opposite direction.

Next thing she fell into a large pool of water and she  was drowning. Her only hope was the island. She tried to swim to it even though she didn't want to.

Suddenly her fear, doubts pulled her down, drowning her, suffocating her.

In River's Room.

Edward silently hummed and detangled River's hair with his fingers. Suddenly he came to a brute stop when he couldn't feel River's warmth and her breathing stopped.

"River." Edward tilted her head towards him and stared her pale face,"River!" He yelled a little louder.

The room started to shake and it became cold.

Right before Charlie stumbled in Edward was already gone. Charlie walked in to his daughter's sleeping form,"River! River!" He called it.

River remained unbreathing, unmoving until she turned blue and pale. Her hair turned completely white. Then her eyes snapped open, the room stopped shaking.

"River! You scared me."

River frowned at she stared at Charlie and something was missing. Like she left a piece if herself in that water.

"This time it was different."


"He was there."


"Logan. He was trying to pull me out and then I heard Edward's voice."

"What did he say?"

"He kept calling my name." River said,"I really don't understand why I'm here anymore cause this is not helping me or my current situation. "

"We're here because your father is worried about you."

"He shouldn't. He should focus on himself."

"Why do you feel that way?"

River rolled her eyes,"this...is getting boring. I'll like to go home now." River got up.

"You may feel like the world is on your shoulders. That you are not allowed to be happy. You believe the world would be a better place if you were gone and you never existed. Thats what your dreams are about. I'm here to tell you, it's not true. You deserve just as much of happiness as the rest of the world."

River huffed again,"you have no idea." She said before she walked out the door.

She saw Charlie, Carlisle and Esme  sitting outside the waiting room. They got up as River walked in.

Charlie checked his watch,"what happened. You're thirty minutes early?" He frowned.

"Honey is everything okay?" Esme asked in tender, caring tone.

"No. I'm quitting therapy." River said, leaving no room for an argument. "I'll tell you everything you need to know but I gotta make a phone call." She said before she walked out.

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