Chapter 5

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"Okay class, today we will be-" I start to blur out any further words my History teachers had to say. I really hate Mondays, I hate school period actually. But my mind has been running on something else, since I've been in the past few classes.

Since the party the other night, Alison has made it her number one priority to avoid me. But I don't blame her, she practically heard I screwed some other girl during a drunken night. But it just pisses me off that she can be mad at me about that, but I would be out of line to be mad at her for being there with Jackson that night as well. Maybe not the same way as I was with Casey, but still. I don't know, the whole "female verses male society" thing really bothers me.

After fifth period, it was now time for lunch so I went with Michael down to the cafeteria,  because we had History together. I felt obligated to apologise to Alison for over hearing Michael's and I conversation from the party. Once I reached the cafeteria, I got my food and Michael spotted Alison for me.

"Hey look, there's Alison." He said, but of course she had to be sitting and laughing with assface of this school, Jackson. "Are you two okay or something? Lately you've had your mind some place else and she hasn't even looked at you since the party." He said. He was right, the tension between Alison and I was obvious, and it needed to be confronted.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go talk to her. Stay here okay?" I told Michael,  I didn't want him to follow me because that could've made the situation worse.

"Sure mate, I'll go find Luke and Ashton and sit with them." He said, and walked off.

I sucked in a big breath of air and walked up to her, ignoring the fact that she was sitting with Jackson and his annoying drones. As I got closer I saw that Jackson had whispered something into her ear, causing her happy face to change to an irritated look. That honestly just made me want to walk back and forget about the drama in the first place. But instead, I kept moving forward.

"Hey, Alison. Could I talk to you for a second?" I said looking at only her. I feel like if I was to look at anyone else, I would cause a seen.

"Uh, sure. I guess." She got up, and leaded the way to a more secluded area so that we could talk alone.

"I wanted to apologise about what happened at the party the other night. You know when you kind of over heard Michael an-" She cut me off, starting her few words.

"Calum, i-it's okay. Really. You're not my boyfriend and we weren't dating. You didn't have to come over and apologise actually." She said. She basically shrugged me off like it was nothing.

"Oh. I just thought...because...well...I thought you were avoiding me." I struggled to tell her.

"N-no. It wasn't at all like that, I promise. It's just after that fight between you and Jackson, I didn't know how to act around you." She said. My heart immediately sunk to the bottom of the earth, I don't want her to be afraid of me. "Jackson and I just started to hang out because well, he told me why you two fought." She said with sorrow in her eyes.

"Really, w-what did he tell you?" I asked, curious of what lie he could've told her.

"He said it was because he likes me, and that he didn't want to see me get hurt by you." She said. That fucking prick, he completely flipped the whole thing around. I like her, and I don't want to see her get hurt by him.

Wow. I like her.

"Seriously, that's a fucking lie. You can't actually believe him. If anything it's-" I caught myself before I let my anger get the best of me, and I tell her that I actually like her. I took in a deep breath, calming myself down. "Alison, he's lying to you. I'm sure if you asked any girl around here they would all say the same thing. That he's a player, he's selfish, and he is definitely going to hurt you." I told her in a more calm tone.

"It's kind of hard to believe that when I saw you with that girl at the party." She said, annoyed.

"That never would've happened if you didn't walk in with Jackson and was dancing all over him." I retorted, then quickly bit my tongue once I came to terms with what I said.

"So it's my failt that you slept with some other girl at a party?!" She said in a higher and a lot more of an angry voice then one before.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." I quickly said.

"Whatever you meant, didn't seem smart. I think I should go, see you around Cal." She said turning around waking off, I know she was lying. I quickly grabbed her arm before she could go any further.

"Alison, wait look I'm sorry. Do you think we could just talk later tonight. We can get pizza. I'll even pay for it." I suggested. Her expression showed that she was interested and was wondering on what answer she should decide on. Yes or no.

"Okay. But how about Friday night, my parents are kind of mad that I snuck out to that party the other night" She admitted, shyly tucking a peice of her hair behind her ear. I found that admirably cute about her.

"Haha, you snuck out. Guess your pretty 'badass' huh?" I said. She jokingly slapped my arm and started laughing.

"Shut up. I can be a good girl. I just don't like when people control me and tell me how to run my life." She protested.

"Sounds like a badass to me." I said. And without a another second to spare the bell rang and it was time to get back to hell. I mean, class. "I'll see you around?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said, and we walked off to our opposite directions.


"So what happened?" Michael asked, curious of Allison's and I conversation. But I think he is more focused on the FIFA.

"Nothing, we just talked. We're going to get pizza Friday night." I told him.

Ashton's face lit up like a firework as did Luke's, while Michael paused the game and turned to look at me in astonishment. They were all speechless and couldn't help but shares stares at me then look at each other. Once they brought their eyes back to me they all had the biggest grins on their faces.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow... this chick was just pissed off at you, sat with Jackson, and now all of a sudden you two are getting pizza?" Luke asked as if it wasn't real.

"Yeah." I said confirming his question. I was also curious as to where these boys were going with this.

"So this pizza thing, is it a date?" Ashton asked.

"What, no. No, it's just to get back on good terms with her." I said, but unsure my self. Was it a date?

"Okay, well if it's just that why couldn't it have been tonight?" Michael asked wanting to know more about what was going on.

"She couldn't because her parents are pretty mad she snucked out to the last party." I said and their faces seemed amused by that.

"Cal, do you like this girl?" Luke asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, I guess I do." I said and they all dog piled me, laughing and cheering me on that I actually like a girl, instead of her body.

○●○●○●AUTHORS NOTE○●○●○●

Hey guys I'm sorry I'm behind on updating. It's because I'm not doing to well in school so I have to focus on that more. But since I'll be off all week I'll time to update BOTH of my stories.

Like, comment, share and all that other stuff. Love you guys♥♥

BTW... if you want to follow me on Twitter and see what I have planned for the stories or would like to see any of the imagines that I will soon post for the book *I'm really bad at imagines but I'll try my hardest* my user is:

@LilDxDmention a user

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