Chapter 1 - Feyre

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I woke up to warm sunlight filling the room, I rolled over to face my mate, but it wasn't his face staring back at me. Green eyes stared into mine and I screamed, I was back with Tamlin, he had taken me, used me.

I scrambled back, I was thankfully still wearing my night dress so when I half fell out of the bed, I wasn't naked, I backed into a wall.

"Who are you?" The male who I realised wasn't Tamlin snarled.

I was shaking too hard to reply, where was Rhys?

"I said who are you?" He had a look that promised death if I didn't reply.

"Feyre, where am I?"

He carefully coved himself as he stood, picking a dagger up from his nightstand.

"Where is my mate?" he growled.

"I don't know, really I don't, please let me go home."

He bared his teeth as a wall of solid air slammed into me. I felt some of my ribs crack as it pushed me into the wall. I gripped my power and winnowed to the other side of the room.

I fell to my knees, gripping my middle before covering myself in darkness. I healed my broken ribs as quickly as I could before standing and letting the darkness scatter.

"Who are you?" He was right in front of me now.

"Not your mate, where the hell am I?" I put the mask of the High Lady on.

"You're in Terresen of course now tell me who you are!"

I had never heard of a place called Terresen.

"I am High Lady of the Night Court." I hoped the title would make him realise who he was dealing with, but his eyes just narrowed further.

"What is a High Lady?" I shook my head; I didn't know how to answer that.

"I've answered your questions now answer mine, what is your name and who are you?"

"Rowan Whitehorn, King if Terresen."

I was in deep, deep trouble.

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