Chapter 16 - Feyre

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I was home, Rhys was here. I lifted my head from his chest and saw that he had surrounded us in the night sky, just like he had done when I admitted that I thought I should have died Under the Mountain.

"You know, don't you?" he just nodded his head.

"I want you to see it, know what he did, I can't bare this burden alone Rhys." I was shaking at the through of him seeing me giving up, but I knew that once he knew he would understand more.

"It's ok Feyre darling, I won't make you see it, can you open your shield a little." He whispered to me. I closed my eyes and cracked my shield open.

Two minutes later he pulled back, there was nothing but anger in his eyes. "I'm going to kill him for that, for hurting you."

"Please don't, I don't want you stooping to his level, yes he deserves to die for this but Lysandra was just as livid as you, she was going to show him exactly what she thought of him, and Rowan almost killed him." I gave him a small smile.

"You know this is why I love you Feyre, now I don't know about you, but I would love to meet the people in Aelin's court." He smiled at me.

The darkness scattered and he helped me to my feet. Everyone was stood a little way away, all of them were facing Amren.

"Do I want to know what is going on?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, I guess we need to find out." He replied with a wink.

We walked over to them hand in hand, Lysandra smiled what she saw us.

"I believe introductions are in order." Rhys almost purred, looking at Aelin.

"Right, yes, Night Court meet my mate, Rowan. My cousin Aedion. My cousin in law Lysandra. My friend Elide and her husband Lorcan, Rowan's friend Fenrys, Dorian's wife Manon and Dorian's friend's wife Yrene." She gestured to each one in turn.

"Feyre, I'm Aelin and the human dude is Dorian." I gave her a small smile; I knew we would get on.

"Ok, now that introductions are done and Rowan is here, Amren who the hell are you?" Aelin turned on Amren again, they all did.

"Right, I'm not going to lie I thought it would take you longer to get Rowan here, but I suppose I can't avoid this anymore, I'm Deanna's daughter." She was looking at Aelin like she was expecting her to kill her on the spot.

"Tell your bitch of a mother that I still hate her." Aelin had her arms crossed.

"You just did." Amren pointed behind her us and we all turned.

A woman who looked eerily similar to Amren was stood leaning against the wall.

"Long time no see Aelin." She was grinning.

"You," Aelin growled, balls of fire appeared in each of her hands, "I am going to kill you."

"No, you're not, you're going to send me back home." She didn't seem at all phased by the wrath on Aelin's face.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before, look how well that turned out." Aelin snapped.

"I told you Deanna, she would say no" Amren sighed.

"I'll give you Elena back." that seemed to stop Aelin in her tracks.

"What did you just say?" the flames surrounding her hands winked out.

"If you send me home then I will give Elena back, fair trade?" Deanna smiled.

"Do you require my life again?" Aelin snarled.

"No, just your blood and some wyrdmarks, I'll tell you which ones, do we have a deal?"

"Yes, then I never have to see you again."

I watched in shock as Aelin slit her arm and drew marks in an arch on the wall, once she stepped back a blue mark glowed on her brow and a figure appeared next to her, Deanna stepped through the portal and it snapped closed behind her.

Aelin turned to the translucent figure next to her and smiled, whispering a few words that I couldn't hear, the glow faded from her head and so did the woman.

"Is that all this was, getting Aelin here so that she could send Deanna home?" Rowan snapped at Amren.

"Yeah, I was just going to have a portal appear in the palace, I knew Aelin wouldn't resist being able to get through, it turns out Deanna had other ideas, thinking that it would be funny for Aelin and Feyre to swap, don't ask me how Dorian and Tamlin fit into this because I don't know."

"Right, I don't know about you lot but I'm starving, let's go back to the estate and eat dinner, you are all invited of course" Rhys is ever the host.

I winnowed half of the group, Rhys taking the rest, we are the only people who can winnow directly into the house.

"Why does this place smell of smoke?" I asked Rhys.

"It's my fault, I had a bit of a magic explosion." Aelin admitted.

"You did what!" Rowan snapped

"I got all of my powers back in one go and I exploded, Dorian cooled me down after don't worry." She said it like it was the simplest thing on the earth, but the rest of her court were gaping at her.

"You got all of your powers back, as in, everything you gave to the lock you got back?" Lysandra half yelled at her.

"Yes, I am a fire bringer once more, Darrow is going to have a fit." She laughed.

"How is that even possible?" Lorcan asked.

"I did it, I'm Deanna's daughter, I was made when the lock was made, all of the power Aelin gave to the lock somehow created me, don't ask me how because I don't know. When I gave my life in the war it set the lock's power lose in me, I gave it all back to Aelin, well most of it, I need a little bit to live." Amren replied, sitting down at the table.

"Thank you, I think, I'm not sure yet." Aelin really did look confused.

We all sat, and Rhys magicked food from somewhere. As we ate, we all exchanged life stories, Aelin taught me and Rhys the marks that would let us visit her kingdom and that we could always be allies. We also decided that once a year, on the anniversary of us meeting, we would get together in one of our worlds and party, I sat and watched my family laughing and talking and I knew that life was only going to get better from here. 

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