Chapter 3~forever and always

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y/n POV

I woke up next to geage on the couch, I still remembered that I had kissed him last night but it felt so right even after I just got done with a big fight with Jaxson...was this me getting back at him? do I really feel like that to geage? all I know that I need to apologize to him after kissing him...if he likes me then I think I'm willing to let him be apart of my life in that way...he soon wakes up and I have to act like I'm sorry

G-good morning


G-how did you sleep?

y/n-pretty good

Geages POV

G-how did you sleep?

y/n-pretty good

I reach over to my phone and I have like a million texts from the boys saying that they were at my house and wondering where I was at.


y/n-what's wrong?

G-the boys are at my house wondering where I'm at

y/n-your right oh shit! they can't know that you are with me, just say that you were grabbing Starbucks and there was a long line and ask them if they want anything?

G-that's a great plan...


well I got to get going then

y/n POV

y/n-your right oh shit! they can't know that you are with me, just say that you were grabbing Starbucks and there was a long line and ask them if they want anything?

G-that's a great plan...


G-well I got to get going then

he starts to rush to the door


G-whats up are you okay?

y/n-yeah I'm fine...just listen I wanted to thank you for making me feel better and I'm sorry that I kissed you...I don't know what I was thinking...

G-its okay...I liked it

he leans down and kisses me one more time before walking out the door...I guess that he likes me, I guess that I do too, but I just can't stop thinking about Jaxson...he said that he would never break my heart and he said forever and always...wait...forever and always? FOREVER AND ALWAYS!! that's a song I can write! I jot it down in my phone and get to work...I knew that I was done with Jackson and I was moving on.

Geages POV

I kiss her one more time before I go and I really love her...I just needed to get out of here before anyone sees me...

(time skip after getting coffee and at home)

I pull up and see all of the boys are here so I get out and grab the coffee and walk into the house...

G-hey guys, sorry I wasn't here

E-Nah your good dawg 

M-I guessing that line was hella long...


N-well we know your lying 

G-I am?

J-yeah we looked over your security cameras and we saw that you left last night...

E-where did you go?

G-no where?

N-don't lie to us...

G-okay! okay okay, I was over at y/n because don't get mad but she texted me that her boyfriend cheated on her and she needed someone here for her...

J-why would you think that we would get mad?


G-because! I know that all of you wanted to see her and I didn't want to say anything about it to make you guys feel jealous!

E-were happy for you actually...


N-because we know that you liked y/n...and we all have girlfriends and you don't! all we want o know is what happened last night?

G-she just told me that she found another girl with him and they were having sex...he was being completely honest with her and he told her that he only dated her for money and fame.

J-that's horrible

M-why would anyone do that?

G-I dunno...

E-what else happened?

G-well I comforted her and she...kissed me?

N-you kissed her?

G-No! she did!

M-there's big juicy!

N-I knew you had it in you

J-we all did...

I hope you liked that part...I know t was short but I thought It was pretty good I hope you have a wonderful day/night and I see yall later...bye!

618 words

We met at a show~a GeageGibsonxReader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now