Chapter 7~chill day

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I was so relieved to see that my song was released and that It was already blowing up! I decided to make an Instagram post about what's happening, This is what I said

Hello, my friends! I was just wanting to break down the song for you guys a little bit! The meaning of "Forever and Always" is in fact about my ex and I know that he said that I cheated on him and everything but, he is a straight-out liar! I will be going to court for this to prove that he is just trying to break me down. When I came home from tour, I saw him with another woman, My song "Forever and Always" is talking about the promises he made for me (forever and always was one of them) when I found him he said some pretty terrible things about me. I hope I explained a little bit of what happening and thank you for listening.

                                                                                                                                                            ~y/n l/n

I posted it and called the room service to get us some food...I just wanted to chill out today and so did the others, when I was done with that almost everyone was up and sitting on the couch and talking, geage walked into the room and saw that something was wrong, he came in and talked with me for a bit.

G-whats wrong?

y/n-oh nothing

G-no, there's something wrong

y/n-I'm just tired and I have to go to court tomorrow 

G-oh damn


G-weel just know...we are all here for you...

y/n-thank you

I peck him on the lips and walk to the door so I can let room service in

rs-room service

rs-hello there Mrs.l/n!

y/n-hello! you can just bring it into the kitchen

rs-for sure!

I walk him to the kitchen and he stops the cart by the side of the island, I then walk him out the door.

y/n-thank you for your service! 

I hand him a twenty  

rs-thank you!

I close the door and two other people are in the room...josh and mully

J-what is this?

y/n-room service! I ordered it because I was and you guys probably are hungover 




y/n-why don't you take some over to your friends over on the couch

J-I forgot about them!

y/n-of course!

 I push the cart into the living room and they're all awake

GG-what is that?

y/n-room service!

E-damn, ¡No tenías que traernos eso! (you didn't have to bring us that)

y/n-¡Sí! ellos son mis invitados (yes I do! your my guests)

E-Siempre olvido que puedes hablar español(I always forget that you can speak Spanish)


N-Amo que puedo entenderlos a ustedes dos (I love that I can understand you two)

G-English, please!

y/n-fine, everyone grabs a plate and eat!

  everyone gets up and grabs a plate and sits on the couch 

K-this is amazing!


M-room service killed it!

N-for sure!

geage come up from behind me and hugs me

G-thank you for ordering it...

y/n-its no problem...

K-you guys are too cute!

(time skip~done with breakfast)

y/n-you guys wanna watch a movie?

GG-I think that's a pretty good Idea 


y/n-okay! follow me! 

I walk down the hall with everyone behind me and the door at the end of the hall s a huge movie room...

M-what the fuck?

J-you have a movie room?

y/n-yup, pick a spot...there are five bean bags

Bean bag 1~josh and Kristy           bean bag 2~Eddie and Gabby        bean bag 3~mully and hid GF

                            Bean bag 4~Narrator and his GF                     Bean bag 5~Geage and y/n

y/n-what movie?

G-lets watch something funny...

GG-I agree

y/n-lets watch central intelligence then!

J-whats that?

everyone has never seen it

y/n-its a movie with Kevin heart and The rock

N-then were watching it

we end up watching central intelligence and everyone loved it! even I did because I think it's sooo funny!

(time skip~done with the movie and they are all going home...)

K-thank for letting us crash at your place

y/n-no problem

G-thank you y/n

everyone left and I just sat there on my phone scrolling through comments on Instagram

sorry, this took a long time I just haven't had the time...I will continue though 

634 words

We met at a show~a GeageGibsonxReader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now