Chapter 9~I still love you

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As I got into the car after walking out of the courthouse I was thinking about how me and Geage could make this work...I mean we couldn't just go out and announce were dating the day after court. I try not to think about it as much until geage texted me.

G-hey wassup❤️

y/n-I just got done with court

G-I heard that, I thought it was a good time to text you and say that I love you

y/n-I love you too❤️ It was a great time

G-you okay?

y/n-yeah, my mind has just been wandering around

G-what about?

y/n-just about how we're going to make this work with you and me

G-ive been thinking the same thing...

y/n-it's hard because if they see me with you, I am going to be on every front page with it saying that I am with someone new

G-hey, it's okay

y/n-I know

G-I love you...just know that

y/n-I do too...just know that

G-I will be at the apartment if you need me

y/n-okay, I'm heading that way

I put down my phone and stare out the window of the city, I love the city and the beach, all of the lights and things to see, it makes me happy. We pull up to the entrance of the apartments and I walk inside as quick as I can so no one can see me, I get in the elevator and put it on my floor, and head up, I grab my key for my apartment when I walk out and unlock it and I see Geage on the couch.



he hops up from the couch and comes and kisses me

G-you okay?

y/n-yeah, I'm just tired

G- I get it, why don't you get changed into something cozy, Ill make something

y/n-okay, love you

G-I love you too

I walk into my bedroom and head to my wardrobe and find a onesie, I thought it was funny, so I put it on and walk out to the kitchen to see Geage cooking something...spaghetti I love spaghetti.


G-you like spaghetti?

y/n- I love spaghetti

 G-well now I know one more thing about you

y/n-yes you do!

G-it should be done in about ten minutes 

y/n-okay, what you wanna talk about

G-it doesn't matter to me...if you have something to talk about then that's fine

y/n-okay, how did you start off being a Youtuber?

G-well I first started doing Mario 64 speedruns

y/n-that's perfect!


y/n-yeah! follow me


I walk him into a storage place and I find a box that says video games on it, I open it up and I find my Nintendo 64 with Mario with it

G-no way...


G-lets hook it up!


I walk into the main room while geage goes into the kitchen really quick to check up on the food. he doesn't come back so I assume that it was done, I hook up the console and put it In the game, Geage comes in as the game is being loaded in.

G-wow, you already hooked it up?

y/ was pretty easy

G-I guess your good at that...

here he handed me a bowl of spaghetti

y/n-ooo thank you bae

he gives me a smirk, liking what I just said to him

G-your welcome 

we gaze off into each other's eyes until we were interrupted by the game music turning on

y/n-you go probably know this game better than I do


he sits down on the bean bag chair next to me and goes to the first level

G-I haven't played this game in so long so don't judge me if I'm bad

y/n-I'm not going to judge you 

he plays the level and beats it first try...along with four other levels until he died

y/n-wow you really good that this game!

G-thank you

I lean my head onto Geages shoulder, he looks down at me with a smile

y/n-I still love you

G-I do too

I watch him play until I fall asleep on his chest, I love Geage and that's all I know.

Hello everyone, I hope you liked this chapter and I hope that you like it so far...if you have a suggestion for the story let me know! it would be great! I will write to you later...bye! 

655 words

We met at a show~a GeageGibsonxReader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now