Chapter twenty two~ The Returning Of Two

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"Mat? Y-You're here!" Jared said happily. "Oh hey, it's mister Matpat. Had a nice nap?" Monokuma said, looking at Mat with little to no interest. Mat just glared at the bear, then smirked. "You're not going to win this. We will figure you out." Mat said smugly. "You think so? I don't see how much help a guy who was passed out for the entire day will be, but if it means more despair in the long run, then whatever." the bear said, sounding bored. "Uh, we've already gone through all of the possibilities, Mat. We've got nothing." Doug said, scratching the back of his neck. "We just need to look a little deeper. We need at keep digging." Mat said simply. "But we did! It's not Alex, he couldn't have survived the spears, it's not the victims, we checked their bodies and they couldn't have been swapped, and it isn't any of the killers, because there's no way you could survive any of the executions." Nico explained quickly. "Well then, think outside the box. What if one of the executions was set up to let the person out alive?" Mat asked.

"That's impossible. We watched each of them as they happened, and no one survived." Nate said. "Really? Can you prove it?" Mat asked. "Well, yeah, we watched them die. We can safely say that they are dead." Josh explained. "Think a little harder. Can you be sure all of them died?" Mat urged. "We saw the aftermath of every execution. We saw what was left of the person. We know they're dead." Doug explained. Mat sighed. "Maybe my theory was wrong...?" he mumbled under his breath.

Jared thought of every execution. Felix was beaten to death by horror game characters and a barrel. Jon was shot at by robotic birds until he was just a skeleton. Caddie fell off a platform to his death. Austin was eaten alive by Minecraft zombies. Jared could remember what was left of Austin hanging from the chains, the beaten Felix limp on the pole, Jon's skeleton sitting in the bird cage, and Caddie...

No Caddie.

There was never a body for Caddie.

"We never saw Caddie." Jared said suddenly, eyes wide. "Yeah we did. We watched him fall to his death." Nate said. "No no no, we never saw his body. We watched him fall, but we never saw his actual death." Jared explained quickly. "Do you want to see his body?" Josh asked with a raised eyebrow. "I need to. To see if he really is dead." Jared said.

"He's dead! He fell from who knows how high." Nate explained. "But what if he was saved? By a net or something?" Nico said, releasing what Jared was saying. "Why would he b-...Oh. You think..." Josh said quietly. Mat nodded. "We couldn't see the bottom. We didn't see where he fell to. He could be alive." Mat explained. "And he could be...the mastermind?!" Doug said loudly.

"You think I'm Caddie? Really? Come on, you could do way better then that." the bear said from his chair. "Then show us the body." Josh said. "You want me to drag his flatted, frozen body all the way to the trial room, just so you can see it? No way, assholes." the bear said, shaking his head.

"Wait, what about how he was acting before his execution? He was crying so hard he couldn't even talk." Doug said. "He could have been faking." Nico explained. "But, why would he even kill two people? Isn't this about us killing each other?" Josh asked. "Well, no one was killing over the motive of money, so he must have killed to get the game moving along. Also, he only tried to kill Emile, who was acting really hopeful. He killed to birds with one stone." Nate explained. "And he only killed Jeremy because he walked in on Emile's killing." Mat added.

"Everything's adding up. Caddie is the mastermind. Am I right?" Jared asked, looking at Monokuma. The bear was silent. "Well?" Nico asked. Monokuma said nothing. "We've proved who you are. You have nowhere to run." Mat said, crossing his arms. Nothing. "Come on, man up and lose!" Josh yelled. Silents. "You can't just stand there silently forever." Nate said, glaring at the bear. Monokuma did nothing. "For the love of god, talk to us!" Doug yelled angrily.

Suddenly, everything went black. The lights were off. A soft laugh was heard, along with slow footsteps.

After a few seconds, the footsteps stopped. A pair of spotlights shone around the room before landing on something. They shone at Monokuma's chair.

But the bear wasn't sitting in it anymore. Someone else was.

The man sat in the chair, spotlights lighting him up. He was wearing new clothes. His shirt was now half black and half white, with a picture of Monokuma on it. He had dark red pants and black shoes on. He also had a small, golden crown on his head. He was giving everyone a triumphant smirk, and was holding a Monokuma doll under his arm. He had his head rested on one hand as he looked over the room.

This man was Caddie, the Super Youtuber Level Playstation Gamer and the Super Youtuber Level Despair.

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