Chapter fourteen~ Action plan

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The next morning was slightly different from Jared's other mornings. Jared was woken up by loud knocking on his door. He slowly stood up and walked to the door and opened it. "Jared, didn't you hear the morning announcement?" Austin asked. He was standing with Arin and Josh. "No, sorry." Jared admitted. "Everyone was wondering where you were. They were worried that someone killed you over the next motive." Arin said. Jared remembered how Monokuma had mentioned it at the end of Caddie's trial. "I wonder what it is this time...?" Jared said thoughtfully. "Well, he's going to tell us pretty soon anyway, so just come with us to the cafeteria." Austin said. Jared nodded.

The four walked down the hallway. Jared glanced at Josh. Josh had a worried expression on his face, and was being surprisingly quiet. Jared wondered what was happing with him. They all walked into the cafeteria. "Hey, Jared! You guys found'im." Nico said happily. "Now, where's Alex?" Mat asked, sounding concerned. Josh's body tensed. "Alex is missing?" Jared asked. Doug nodded. "We haven't seen him all day. Have you?" Doug asked. Jared just shook his head. "Oh, crap." Nico said, sounding frustrated. Jared noticed Mat looking at Josh. "Josh, you've been really quiet this morning. Do you know where Alex is?" Mat asked suddenly. "Huh? Oh, um, no, I don't know." Josh said, sounding surprised or nervous. "Are you sure? You sound like you know something." Mat said. Josh just shook his head quickly.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard.

Bang! Blam!

Everyone heard the noise. "It's coming from upstairs!" Austin yelled. Everyone ran up to the second floor, then the third. "Look, the fourth floor's open!" Arin yelled, pointing at the newly opened staircase. Everyone quickly climbed the stairs. At the top was something no one saw coming.

"So, you actually thought a mere human like you could defeat me, Monokuma! HA! You make me laugh." Monokuma said victoriously. A panting Alex stood in front of everyone. He was covered in gashes, cuts and bruises. He held his one arm with his other hand, giving Monokuma a death glare. "This...isn't over...yet...right...Josh?" Alex said weakly, glancing at Josh. Josh stood there, frozen. "...Josh?" Alex said again. Josh nodded slowly. "R-Right. This...isn't over." Josh said, walking over to Alex. "Oh! I see! You guys think the power of friendship will help you defeat the bad guy. Well, I think that pony show you watch, Josh, is going to your head, because, you see, though I can't kill you yet, I am going to kill your little buddy Alex. Violence towards the headmaster is not allowed in this school! And I think you know what that means." Monokuma said smugly. Josh's eyes widened. Alex continued his glare. "You can kill me...but I swear to god...I'll kill you with me!" Alex yelled. Alex broke into a run towards Monokuma, yelling as he ran. Josh stayed where he was, unable to move. Monokuma just smirked. "Fine, have it your way. Come to me, my SPEARS OF GUNDIR!" the bear yelled. A loud metallic sound was heard.

Before Alex had the time to react, he was pierced with around six or seven long, pointy spears. Blood poured out of him as his eyes widened, and his face went pale. "No...this can'" Alex said slowly. "Alex? ALEX!" Josh yelled, staring at his friend. Alex slowly turned his head to face Josh. "Josh...don' dare...die...he...r...e..." Alex said slowly. Then, his body went limp, and he stopped breathing. The spears were all pulled out of Alex as he fell to the ground, dead. The spears returned to wherever they came from.

The sound of Monokuma's laugh quickly filled the air. "Upupupup...AHAHAHAHA! Way to go, Alex! You just died for no reason whatsoever! Good job there, buddy." Monokuma said happily. Josh ran to Alex, knelling beside him. "No...Alex..." Josh said, staring at Alex's body. Everyone was silent. Monokuma had left. "God dammit...that...fucking...that MOTHER FUCKING BEAR!" Josh yelled. Jared noticed this was the first time he heard Josh swear, though he didn't focus on that. He focused on Alex. Alex, who had fought Monokuma, trying to get everyone out of the school, even if it meant getting himself killed. In the end, though, his plan failed, and now he was dead, with a sobbing Josh kneeling next to him.

This seemed different from the other deaths in the school. Alex didn't kill anybody, it didn't even look like he hurt Monokuma in the fight, yet he was killed anyway.

Everyone else slowly walked up to Alex's body. Josh didn't seem to notice. Nate kneeled next to Josh and looked at him sympathetically before turning to Alex.

After a minute or so, Monokuma decided to be an asshole again.

"Um, guys? Are you just gonna sit around all day and be sad? Because, you know, the fourth floor is open, and you can explore. And, if you don't, I will kill another one of you in a much worse way then...ah, what was that guys name again? The guy I just killed with my spears of Gundir, friends with Josh, Autarch of Flame? Ring any bells?" Monokuma said annoyingly over the monitors. "YOU SHUT UP!" Josh yelled. "Oh, someone seems upset. Do you need a hug?" the bear said. "Go away." Mat said bluntly. "Fine. But remember, if you don't explore, I'll kill ya!" Monokuma said happily before shutting off the monitor.

Josh slowly stood up. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Alex again. "We...better look around. Don't wanna d-die for a...stupid reason like that..." Josh said shakily. He walked away, not waiting for the others to follow him. The others watched as he hurried into a nearby room. "We should do the same." Nate said, standing up as well. Soon everyone had stood up and started their exploration of the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor was a music room, another lab, the headmaster's office (which was locked), a data processing room (which was also locked) and even more classrooms.

Jared found himself looking around the new lab with Austin. "What's over here...?" Austin asked, looking in a large glass cabinet. "...Oh! Poisons! Shit, we should get rid of these." Austin said suddenly. Jared looked where Austin was looking and saw the poisons for himself. "Yeah, we need to put these somewhere else." Jared said. "NOPE! Nope nope nope nope nope NOPE! No can do, unless you want spears jabbed through your body!" Monokuma yelled, suddenly appearing in the room. "What? What do you mean?" Austin asked. "No littering in the school! It's in your school rules. Hiding the poisons count as littering, and if you litter, BAM! Blown up, boiled alive, electrocuted, torn apart! Dead, dead, dead!" Monokuma said, moving around the room. Then the bear left as suddenly as he appeared. "Alright then. Can we lock it?" Jared asked. Austin shrugged. "We can't just leave them laying around. Hey, see how the different cabinets are marked A, B and C? Maybe we can swap the poisons, which are in C, with something in A or B. Then, if someone wants to poison anyone, it won't work." Jared suggested. "But what if anyone wants something from A or B? Then they'll accidentally poison themself. And, maybe even we'll be blamed because we were the ones who switched them!" Austin said fearfully. "I guess...but then, what do we do?" Jared asked. Austin shrugged again. "You...are not helpful. In any way, shape or form." Jared said jokingly. Austin just did his weird smile. "I get that a lot." he said.

"Hello? Helloooo?" someone said, standing at the doorway. Jared and Austin turned to see Nico. "Hey, um, Monokuma wants us to meet in the gym. I guess it's time for the new motive." Nico explained. "Wait, isn't it early for a new motive? He usually waits a day or so before he tells us." Austin asked. "Well, I guess his new motive is early this time. Come on." Nico said casually. Austin and Jared follow Nico to the gym, scared of what could cause the next killing.

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