Chapter five~ Trial of life, trial of death

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"Alright, where should we start?" Doug asked. "I think the weapon would be a good start." Josh said. "Well, that much we already know. It has to be the knife sticking out of his stomach. He had no other wounds." Felix said. "OK, then where and when did the culprit get the knife?" Mat said. "It had to be from the kitchen. And the culprit got it this afternoon, when no one was around." Jon said. "No, that can't be true. Felix went to the kitchen to get a drink before the cafeteria closed, and he said the knife was still there." Jared said quickly. "Then when did he get the knife?" Austin asked. "Well, the knife could have been missing, and Felix didn't notice. Or he could always be lying." Alex said. "I-I'm not lying! But, I guess the knife could have been missing when I was there. I wasn't paying any attention to the knives." Felix said.

"Alright, so the culprit could have stolen the knife whenever. Does that really matter? We need to find out who killed Jarod!" Caddie yelled. "We already did. It's obvious." Hunter said proudly. "Really? Who?" Nico asked, sounding more skeptical then surprised. "Well, it has to be... EMILE!" Hunter yelled, pointing at Emile.

"What?!" Emile cried, jumping back a little bit. "How do you know that?" Jeremy asked Hunter. "Jarod's body was right in front of Emile's bedroom. He killed him there, then sat on the ground, yelled, and said he tripped over the dead body that just happened to be there." Hunter yelled. "I don't know how he got there, honest! I just opened my door, fell, looked behind me, and there he was. I know nothing." Emile yelled, desperately trying to convince us. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" Josh asked. Jared thought for a moment. This didn't feel right. Something was wrong.

"Hold on, what about the blood trail." Jared suddenly said. "What about it." Hunter said. "If Jarod died in front of Emile's room, then why was there a blood trail?" Jared asked. "Because he wanted to confuse us about where the murder took place." Hunter said. "If he wanted to do that, he would have moved the body, not just make a blood trail." Mat said. "That would have gotten blood all over them self." Hunter called back. "So would have making a blood trail, maybe even more so." Nate said. Hunter sighed and looked around the court room. "Don't you guys see, he was the only one with blood on him!" Hunter yelled, pointing to Emile's legs. Below his knees, there were two large blood stains. "That's from tripping over his body!" Emile yelled. "No, its from making the blood trail! You used your legs instead of your hands to make the trail, then blamed the blood on tripping over the body." Hunter said. Jared knew that was wrong, but he didn't know who to get it out. "Besides, theres no evidence to prove it wrong." Hunter said. Jared suddenly knew what to say, because of the accident Hunter had made.

"Wait, Hunter. You of all people should know where the murder took place, and it wasn't in front of Emile's room." Jared said strongly. "Hm? What do you mean?" Hunter said, confused. "You heard something hit your door last night, remember. Guessing from the amount of blood in front of your door, and the bang on your door, the murder had to have token place right in front of your room!" Jared yelled. Hunter was silent, a shocked look on his face. "Um...I...guess that could be right...." he said quietly. "Sorry Emile." he quickly said afterwards. "Thank you. Now, we should talk more about how the body got in front of my door." Emile said. "Well, the killer dragged him there." Jeremy said. "Are you sure about that. Anything and everything needs to be picked apart here, so let's talk about it." Mat said. "Alright. Lets look at the body again. Were there any clues on him from being dragged?" Alex asked. "I didn't see anything when I was checking the body with Jared." Austin said. "Maybe there are clues in the blood trail." Caddie suggested. "Well, it goes strait down the hallway, starting in front of Felix's and Hunter's rooms. It stops at the body, which was in front of Emile's room." Josh reported. "We did see some smaller stains on Jeremy's, Nico's and Jon's doors, which are right between the start and end of the trail." Doug added. "Wasn't there also a bigger stain on Felix's door?" Nico asked. "There was, and it was higher up. The murder did take place there, so when Jarod was stabbed, the blood splatter got on Felix's door." Nate said. "Alright, so he was dragged. That's why there was a blood trail. The killer probably wanted to frame Emile." Jon said. "But wouldn't he have blood on him? Emile is the only one to have any blood on him, and thats from tripping over the body." Nico said.

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